Compared to Mineral King, Hume Lake is a city. It is a city with some subdivisions I didn’t know about, in spite of having spent 1-1/2 summers living and working there, along with a handful of days each year for the past 7 summers. It is a growing city.
Let’s ease into our Hume Lake photos with a wild blue flax photo.

Instead of small rustic cabins that house 12 girls, with a little outdoor trek to a bathroom, THIS GIANT BUILDING holds 8 “cabins”, each housing 12 girls, each “cabin” with its own fancy bathroom. THIS IS NOT CAMPING, PEOPLE! Well, staying in rustic cabins wasn’t exactly camping either, but holy guacamole! I counted 6 of these buildings, and that was just for the girls. I didn’t see where the boys stay. Maybe they have all those rustic little cabins that used to be for the girls. I had no idea this section was at Hume.

There is even a skate park, which wasn’t quite set up yet. Skateboarding at summer camp in the mountains wasn’t even an inkling of an idea when I used to love summer camp (not at Hume—there was another camp in my life.)

This is all too much for my simple old-fashioned self to take in. Let’s just take a walk around the lake, shall we?

drains to the east instead of to the west.

Do I show you the same photos every year? I am always amazed by the abundance of the wild iris, love to walk around the lake, love to see the other wildflowers, and see the dam.
This year my feet have betrayed me, so I am thankful to have gotten in one walk. The rest of the time was spent hanging out at the cabin. I’ll show you some of that Monday.
I’ve got to get back up. My sis thinks I could almost do the whole lake trail in my chair.
Hi David, I agree with your sister, if you go on the road for the first mile to Ten-Mile bridge. It is so fancy compared to when we were there!
AFAIC* you aren’t camping unless you have to walk a path to a one- or two-seater. Or better yet, dig a hole (at least 8″ deep, thank you very much) and “leave no trace.”
When I went to Girl Scout Camps, the only recreation we had was determined by what raw materials we could find and create. A skate park? Laughable!
It’s nice to see a very full lake! And I’m glad you were able to get in one good hike. I hope it didn’t set you back.
*As Far As I’m Concerned
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