- I could be doing something called “affiliate marketing” on my blog by listing products I use and like and then putting the link on the site so that if you click and buy, I would earn money. It is called “passive income”, but that term fails to take into account all the work of signing up and staying current with the various companies, along with doing all the copy/paste work on a blog post.
- There is a wildflower shrub, native to the west coast, and also the state flower of Idaho, called Mock Orange. It grows along the Mineral King Road, is in the hydrangea family, the genus name is Philadelphus and it is called Mock Orange because it smells good like orange blossoms.
Mock Orange, as pilferedpicked from the lower end of the Mineral King Road in early June. - If you swish oil around in your mouth every day, it could repair all your damaged teeth and gums. I thought this was an internet hoax, (called “oil pulling”, often done with coconut oil) until I talked to a neighbor who had been doing this and got the best dental check up of his entire life. Weird.
- There are insect repellent bracelets! Yeppers, and they look like curly old phone cords. Some company called “Gorgeous Ranch” makes them, says they are all natural (citronella, lemon grass and geraniol) and last up to 300 hours. I wore one and it might have worked! WAIT! I can try that affiliate marketing thing! See if this takes you there and makes me “rich”: They smell good, in case you are wondering. A box of twenty costs $11.99 on Amazon.
- Life is funny. At the same time I am paying someone big bucks to rebuild my website (Way Too Difficult for my website building skills), I designed a website for a friend (much simpler than mine). Check this out: www.sequoiavacationrentals.net
- I found a new enjoyable podcast by Gimlet Media. “Heavyweight” has a host who tries to resolve old problems or lingering questions. He chases down people, asks questions, and has a very direct but caring conversational style (but why do people cuss so much??) The description is “Jonathan Goldstein goes back to the moment everything changed”. Fun to listen and learn while painting or drawing.
- Also on Gimlet is a podcast called “The Recappery” by The History Chicks. They have three 2-hour episodes talking about a PBS version of Little Women. I found it more entertaining than actually reading the book, which I’ve done many times. These two women are so fun to listen to – completely unrehearsed, just talking about a program as we eavesdrop.
1. Sometimes your time is worth more than the pittance you would get from their free advertising.
2. How far up the road? I’ve never noticed these.
3. Ew.
4. Try it at Mineral King and let me know how it works!
5. Web sites are the bane of our existence–life’s necessary evil.
6. Thanks for the warning. No podcast/article/recording is worth wading through the obscenities.
7. You can always tell when broadcasters enjoy their work!
Hi Sharon, as always, I appreciate your comments! Mock Orange is after you top Red Hill in the north facing drainages before The Bridge. You’ll have to come in June to see them. And the bracelet’s verdict isn’t in yet. Sometimes it seemed to work, but I am still chewed to bits by biting flies.
Loved the link to the homes— wonderful idea.
Makes me want to plan a trip… 🙂
Thank you, Anne! And a trip is worth it just for Robin’s artisan bread that she supplies to each house. (I’ve also heard the wine is good but that’s outside my area of expertise.)
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