A Chat Called Chaos? A Cat Called Caos? Never mind. Here is the story.
In 2004 I drew a cat for some folks who actually brought him to my studio. This was in the days of film cameras (Nope, not an Early Adopter of anything), so I didn’t save a photo of the drawing. Snowcat’s people recently asked me to draw their current cat, Chaos, and although I remembered Snowcat, I couldn’t remember the drawing. They sent me a photo.
That was one alert cat!! When I was taking his photos, I reached out to touch him. He pulled away in a very subtle but arrogant manner. Made me laugh.

Their current cat spent the first 2 years of his life in a dog grooming shop and used to create chaos there. He is getting up in age, so they asked me to draw him, sending a handful of digital photos.

Chaos looks more alert in the lower photo, but the man appears to be strangling the cat. I asked for a few more photos with a different hand position.

This is less worrisome for the cat’s survivability, but the hand appears larger than the cat’s head. That won’t do.
I decided to just start drawing and figure it out as I go.

The weird orangish tint is due to the smoky light coming through the window over my drawing table.

This time to photograph it, I carried it outside for better light.
To be continued. . .
You’re not going to include any hand in the drawing, are you? That would look weird (IMNSHO). The drawing of Snowcat is beautiful. Something similar for Chaos would be lovely, I think.
The customer wants a hand. We might need to discuss it further.
As the saying goes … “The customer is always right,” right?
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