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Gift Exchange

One of my long-time drawing students took as many art classes as he could cram in for several years at the local junior college. (Sorry, not sorry – “community college”) He completely immersed himself in art until suddenly, he was finished. Done. His interests moved into mechanical subjects, and currently he is immersing himself in all things automotive.

A few weeks ago he asked me if I’d like to have his oil painting supplies. REALLY??  Yes, please! What a generous gift!

So, I decided to paint a gift for him. 

It isn’t quite finished because it needs me to draw with my paintbrush in order to reach the level of detail to do justice to his Karmann Ghia.

Yes, I still have paintings to finish for my upcoming show, Still Here. 

But, in spite of those necessary paintings for the show, I am still. . .

. . .using pencils, oil paint, and murals to make art that people can understand of places and things they love.


  1. Love it! I bet he will, too.

    • Donna, even if he doesn’t love it, he will be polite. But since I was working from his photo, I think he will be pleased.

  2. What a nice gift from him, and a nice thank-you from you!

    • Sharon, in addition to sharing with me, it provided some paint for me to share with someone else when she couldn’t get a certain color. It was great fun to just pull out the exact thing she was missing and pass it over!

      • Isn’t life fun when it sends you serendipitous surprises?

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