A Little Help From My Friend

It is important that we are kind and complimentary to one another in drawing lessons. It is equally important that we are honest.

AH is my friend and also one of my drawing students. Since she owns dogs, she saw something a little wrong in my drawing on the dog with the black head. I own cats (or perhaps they own me, because they are certainly manipulative and bossy), and haven’t had a dog as an adult.

Her suggestion was accurate and helpful.

I made the correction and finished the drawing. (I bet you can’t even tell what was wrong!)

Thank you, AH!!

And now we return to my bosses.


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  1. You’re right, I can’t tell what you changed!

    The only dog I had was “Piper” (“Devol’s Highland Piper” according to her papers), a Shetland Sheepdog. She was a sweetie, except she had the habit of trying to “herd” children at play by nipping at our heels!

    • Sharon, I met another dog named Piper last week. Can’t remember a thing about it except the name. Your Piper sounds wonderful. Was this when you were a child?

      • Yes, when I was 6+. Check your inbox (since I can’t post a photo here).

  2. I tried to find the difference but couldn’t. Great picture.

    • Kathy, I had the nose (the black part) too small on the dog on the right! AH said the dog’s face looked “pinched”, and it was subtle, but true. I also added more shading to that dog’s face.

What do you think?