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A Little More Christmas

The reason for some of my apparently pointless posts is simply this: beauty heals. One of my favorite writers* says it this way: “beauty contains within it the promise of restoration.”.

I thought this plant was dead, but I stuck it in the ground anyway and this week I found this blossom on it!
The fire hydrants in my neighborhood look comical to me.

P.S. Humor and unexpected good things do a great deal for us too.

*John Eldredge


  1. (It worked this time!)
    You can never have too much Christmas, AFAIC. It’s a beautiful time of year, culminating in the Advent of the Son of God for salvation of mankind. What could be better?
    Merry Christmas, and a Better New Year!

    • Yea. Sharon! I have no idea why you sometimes get error messages when you try to comment, but I thank you for persisting. And you know what I am wondering about in your comment. 😎

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