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A Productive Painting Day

Is there a word that starts with P to substitute for “day”? I could use “process”, but it isn’t accurate enough.

After spending time with Krista evaluating my paintings, I repaired four in one day. (One wasn’t even on the list, but it was bugging me.)

Before: too dark, but also scanned too dark.
After: lighter, brighter, better
Before: bothered me for several reasons that are too boring and technical to go into.
After: better, more accuracy, more detail. (Oranges on those trees now!)
After: subtle differences, and as always, better in person.
This one was bugging me, and in my normal definition of improvement, I just added more details.
So much better!

Everything dried quickly to be scanned. Maybe I will have time to do the two more still life paintings before the show opening in October. . . but, maybe not. There are more things happening than I tell you all here. . . will more be revealed??


  1. My favorite improvement is Sawtooth. Much better!

    • Sharon, if only I had enough time to perfect each painting. . . but as my skills improve, I would continually be reworking paintings. Good thing so many are in new hands where I can’t continue to critique them.

What do you think?