A Tree Grows in Three Rivers? Hokey, I know, and I can’t even remember what A Tree Grows In Brooklyn was about.
This is a commissioned mural inside of a home 2 doors away from me. It recently sold and will become yet another vacation rental in a town and neighborhood that is jammed full of such units. But that is a topic for another day, and probably another forum.
Working indoors is a pleasure – climate control, flat surface to stand on, consistent lighting, tunes or an audio book on my old laptop (why didn’t Apple include a CD slot in their new laptops?? – I get SO TIRED of “upgrades”, but again, a topic for another forum.)
This is what I found when I unlocked the door on Monday a.m. (a week ago). The carpet will be replaced, so no tarp was necessary. Weird.This is outside the house and will have a human sized chess board, which I might be painting next.I procrastinated a bit before beginning. Giant blank walls are intimidating.I measured the height of the ceiling, because inquiring minds need to know. 14′. I climbed up the extension ladder and dropped a vertical so I could begin building the oak tree around it. It is the same method I use when drawing trees with pencil on paper (not with blue chalk – just a light pencil line).The extension ladder was a bit cumbersome, so I went home for my own ladders.After a bit of staring and thinking, I gave myself some more blue chalk guidelines.A normal way to paint a mural is from the top down, but trees grow in the opposite direction.There never is the perfect photo of the perfect tree, so I used all my oak tree photos to remind myself of the bark texture and the branching patterns. It is slow, thinky work.This was a stroke of brilliance!The raised hearth is helpful in boosting short ladders.
Know my drawing behavior, it would have taken me 2 decades to get this far and you do it in one day!
Gina, my motivation is threefold: 1. a paycheck at the end, 2. it’s hot and I want to be finished, 3. gotta have something to blog about!!
Great job! I have a friend who wants to take drawing lessons. Please email me to get her info. Thanks, Dawn
Thank you, Dawn! I will email you.
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