A Year of Personal Learning

The summary lists continue as I keep working on some private commissions, a fancy Art Speak word for custom artwork.
A friend allows us to glean in his walnut orchard each year at the end of October, which means more food to share with friends. (This drawing won a prize and sold, but I can redraw it for you because I love to draw.)

Personally, not professionally, this happened in the last weird year:

  • Tried and thoroughly enjoyed kayaking
  • Tried and thoroughly enjoyed stand-up paddle boarding (even thought it made my feet hurt – a weird result)
  • Missed church on Easter Sunday for the first time in my life
  • Realized that I like not having social obligations
  • The lock-down reinforced how much I like being at home.
  • We managed to keep 3 cats alive by locking them inside the garage each night (although sometimes they still go rogue)
  • Learned what possessions matter when facing evacuation from both our main home and our cabin
  • Realized how much I depend on the library
  • Learned how thin the veneer of civilization is in our country and how easily people are controlled by fear
  • Learned how people share food with one another as a gesture of love especially in hard times – we got more food brought to us and shared more food with friends than I ever remember in the past.

What’s on your list? (Does anyone besides me do this sort of evaluating and list making?)

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  1. Here is my list, off the top of my pointy head:

    * I learned who my friends are (some unexpected) when, during total lockdown (think March, April, May) I needed someone to buy groceries.

    * I missed my church family so much that I decided the fellowship was more important than the risk, and started attending church again in July (with no adverse effects).

    *Too much of a good thing (crocheting) can be detrimental (sore wrist). But Project Linus gained a dozen charity blankets!

    *It’s frightening how easily it is for the government to control its citizens by exaggerated fear.

    *I depend on my computer and TV to pass the time more than I should.

    *I’m even more thankful my mother is in a wonderful facility that cares for her so well that, despite having 225 residents in the highest risk group, none has tested positive for Covid.

    *But most of all, despite dangers from wildfires, illness, isolation, riots . . . I can still rest on the absolute sovereignty of an almighty, merciful, and loving Lord!

    But our God is in heaven;
    He does whatever He pleases.
    (Psalm 115:3)

    P.S. Cleared my cookies, yay!

    • Sharon, this is a wonderful example of finding lemonade in lemons. And it was your cookies that prevented you from commenting? Cookies, schmookies – more techie mysteries. Welcome back, and thank you for sharing. (Sharon shares)!

      • All I know is that I cleared all the cookies on Chrome, and it worked. So I now know the fix, if it happens again.

        I tell ya, computers are one, long, ongoing, sometimes annoying, sometimes frustrating learning experience!

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