. . . but almost finished.

That was the last one needed for the upcoming show, Still Here, at Arts Visalia in the month of April (virtual? actual in-person? More will be revealed. . .)
Now I can get back to the Mineral King paintings that I started when the others were too wet (or I was too flummoxed) to work on.
Now I have to decide if it is a good idea to show you all the finished paintings that will be in the show or maybe just make you actually attend the show in person. (As if I have the power to make anyone do anything)
I’m happy to see Sawtooth is represented there in your MK collection! I don’t know that you’ve painted Black Wolf Falls, have you? It’s fairly iconic.
And speaking of Arts Visalia, I found out yesterday that our choir is meeting for rehearsal again, with the goal of singing for the Good Friday and Easter services! This would involve April 1, 2, 4. I guess that blocks me out of the art show, doesn’t it? They really scheduled it for Passion Week??
Sharon, the most popular subjects are the Crowley Cabin with Farewell Gap, followed closely by the Honeymoon Cabin, with Sawtooth next in line. The bridge paintings always sell, but I haven’t painted it as often as the others. Monarch Falls has only shown up in the background a few times because it is too far from the sky in 2 dimensional depictions to look good. I will take that one under advisement – thank you.
Arts Visalia consistently schedules its shows to begin on the first Friday of the month without regard to holidays or holy days either.
Your list of the most popular subjects is interesting! I figured the “scene from the bridge looking south” would be the most iconic, but I wouldn’t think the Honeymoon cabin would be second, other than it’s quaint and cute.
Monarch Falls? I’ve always called it Black Wolf Falls (on Monarch Creek). Anyway, I have a pencil drawing you did in 2008 (I think I won it at an MKDA auction) that shows Monarch Creek in the foreground, Black Wolf Falls in the center, and Sawtooth toward the top. There may have been some artistic license in that scene regarding object placement, but I think it would make a lovely vertical-themed oil painting!
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