Anne Lamott Makes Me Laugh

Have you heard of her? Read any of her books? She writes both fiction and non-fiction and is an odd combination of being very politically liberal and outspoken about her Christian faith. Her thoughts are oh so relatable, shocking, irreverent, vulnerable, infuriating, and at times, highly entertaining.

The books she might be most known for are Bird by Bird, about the writing process and Operating Instructions, about raising her son alone.

Here are three things that I have copied down from her writing to contemplate and muse over on today’s blog post.

Everyone is screwed up, broken, clingy and scared.” The older I get, the more I see this is true. Those tailgaters? Yep. Politicians? Yep. Your neighbors with the glaring lights and barking dogs? Yep. The cranky salesperson at a big box store? Yep. Me? Hey, let’s not get personal here, okay?

Try not to compare your insides to other people’s outsides. It will only make you worse than you already are.” Comparison is a terrible way to live. Just stop it.

…deteriorating faster than you can lower your standards.” This may apply to many aspects of my life. Let’s not talk about the state of my old car, the cleanliness of my house, the number of weeds in my yard, the unsorted piles in my studio.

*Clutter is the physical manifestation of unmade decisions fueled by procrastination. -Christina Scalise

She also has a list called “Twelve Truths I Learned From Life and Writing”, which is one of my favorite Ted talks of all. I used to listen to those while painting and drawing, but now I seem to be continually trying to catch up on all the excellent podcasts I subscribe to.

About those Twelve Truths: she is oh so very wrong about chocolate with 75% cacao.

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  1. I have read a couple of her books. Very entertaining and thought provoking. I agree. Sometimes she is just wrong. Haha

    • Nancy, I wonder what she’d say about us or our views on things. I bet it would be funny. Her delivery just cracks me up, and she says such shocking things!

  2. All those samples are quite profound and thought-provoking! I would be very curious as to how she defines a Christian.

    (If this comment is too radical/controversial/contentious I will not be offended if you declined posting it. Love you!)

    • Sharon, thank you for permission to edit your comment. I do try to tread carefully, remaining honest while not losing readers over potentially contentious topics. My goal is. . . think, think, think. . . what is my goal? Prolly time to give this a good think to figure out what I’m tryna do in my virtual living room here!

What do you think?