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Some cabin folks across the creek registered lows of 20 and 21 degrees on their thermometer over the weekend in Mineral King.
Here is a little visible evidence.
A cabin across the creek from us keeps a sprinkler running, and it made a large patch of ice.
My ax froze in its bucket of water. We put it there when the handle gets loose so that the wood swells. (Froze my ax off?)
Here is the neighbor’s ice patch after the sun did its job.
The weekend was beautiful and clear. The parking lot was full of cars wrapped to keep out the marmots.
This marmot wasn’t interested in cars because he lives under a cabin.
The cold flattened the corn lily, AKA skunk cabbage.
This mule belongs to The Park and is not interested in staying in the corral.
Crystal Creek was low. Nothing was melting up in the high country.
Brrr. We came home early where the weather in Three Rivers was moderate and comfortable.
1 Comment
Brrrr hoping the pipes are intact, now that most everyone has opened for the “warm” summer season!
We’ve never had a problem with marmot chewing, although we do have one that we hear rustling around under the cabin. And find chew marks on our 4×4 deck posts. Boo-hiss!
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