I have a friend with a Mineral King cabin. Although we have this in common, and that is how we met, our friendship has mostly grown through email. Recently our cabin times overlapped, and together we walked up to Crystal Creek, about a one mile walk on a fairly flat trail (that used to be a road).
This is Fireweed. Spring Creek is the tiny falls in the background.
More yellow look-alikes, but different leaves than those I found on the Nature Trail.
Sulphur Flower is a different shade of yellow than all those look-alikes. That is Crystal Creek in the background.
Collomia is the only orange flower I know of in Mineral King. “Peach” is probably a more accurate name for the color.
One of the many types of Lupine with Timber Gap in the background.
The Snowberry was prolific, abundant and uh-may-zing.
Thank you, SD!! It was a real treat to be together in person.
100 page paperback, flowers in photos, common names only, lots of chatty commentary, $20 including tax. Available here Also available at the Three Rivers Historical Museum, Silver City Store, from me if I put them in my car, or Amazon.
And I really enjoyed our walk. Let’s plan for 2020! Meet you at the footbridge?
Nope, let’s meet at Atwell so we can walk to the footbridge together!
Even better (yea, verily, driving down “that” road to Atwell)! And when I remember to download the photos off my phone, I’ll email them to you.
Very nice photos–better than mine!
Sharon, may I see the photos you took? I bet yours are excellent.
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