I tried to oil paint last Friday but the greenery and wildflowers overcame my sense of duty. So, Trail Guy and I drove up North Fork Drive to the end.
My palette was ready to go.I worked on Sawtooth a little.After telling Trail Guy that I’d heard the flowers were great up North Fork and staring out the window a bit, he said, “Let’s go now!”
The road was longer, rougher, narrower than I remembered and all very worth the drive.
The last 3.5 miles are unpaved.This is Yucca Creek at the end of North Fork Drive.That’s one narrow little footbridge over a massive old culvert pipe.Wowsa.The yellow flowers are called Madia.Heading back down has a view of Ash Peak with a blooming yucca and bush lupine.Looking over the edge down to the North Fork makes one glad to not encounter any oncoming traffic on that narrow road with no turnouts.Poppies are yellower in the wild than in my yard.The poppies on the hillsides are what gave California its name of “The Golden State”. (Bet you thought it was the gold rush)I love Fairy Lanterns, AKA Satin Bells. Pink isn’t my favorite color, but it is rare enough in nature that it stands out.
After we got back home, I painted a little bit more. There is this commissioned oil painting of Sawtooth for a very patient customer, and it would be good to make progress.
Sawtooth’s shape is improving, and it is acquiring colors and texture.
Then, I got distracted again and thought that wildflowers would look great on a 6×18″ canvas. Can you see the possibilities here? (Put on your rose-colored glasses with me!)