Redbud Festival Today

This is not a redbud; it is a calla lily, blooming for the first time in 25 years in my yard.

Hey, friends. Today was Day One of the two-day Redbud Festival in Three Rivers. This year it has returned to the Lions Roping Arena, a great big outdoor space. There is good signage leading to it, but in case you are wondering, cross the Kaweah on North Fork Drive (just before Sierra Subs), go about a mile, turn right, cross the North Fork of the Kaweah, and turn left. Follow the dirt road to the arena. (It’s dusty, but you don’t need 4-wheel drive or a pick-em-up truck.)

It was a little hard to leave in the morning with the sun shining through the lobelia blooming on my front porch, but sometimes an artist has to do what she has to do.

There aren’t a lot of vendors, and attendance was low. This sounds bad on the surface, but as a introvert with decent social skills, I liked have plenty of unrushed time to converse with each visitor. I met some fine folks, and I reconnected with other people I hadn’t seen for awhile. There was a man with a guitar who played and sang a few songs each hour, very pleasant, not loud, and I found myself singing along because many were songs from my era (the ’70s). There was food for sale, but I didn’t get any because I don’t like to be caught with my mouth full while working my booth.

The pointed canvas top is the Redbud Garden Club’s booth, selling plants behind my booth.

All in all, it was a pleasant day, and I sold enough to hold my head up and return for day two.

You might enjoy stopping by tomorrow, Mother’s Day.

Official hours are 10-4, but I will have some booth neighbors minding my booth until I can get there, maybe around 11:15 or 11:30. (I have responsibilities at church first.)

Back to Business – The Redbud Festival!

I’ve been telling you about Texas so eagerly that I almost forgot to tell you about the Redbud Festival. It is traditionally on Mother’s Day Weekend. This year it will return to the Lions Roping Arena in Three Rivers. I haven’t participated in a few years, but this time your Central California artist will be back, Lord willing, the Creek, etc.

Oil paintings, notecards, coloring books, Mineral King Wildflower books (very few remaining), and of course Wilsonia books will all be available for purchase in my booth.


Central California Artist in Texas, Chapter 5

Oh my stars!

Texas is the Lone Star State, and boy howdy are they proud of that star and that nickname, which actually only became official a few years ago. Texas was a sovereign nation for about 10 years, and they are the only state with the audacity to fly their flag at a height equal to the American flag. This isn’t always done, but I did see it several times.

This was taken through the car window as we were passing on the freeway, so it appears as if the American flag is higher simply because of the perspective.

I started a quest to find all the stars that I could. After awhile, I decided that enough was enough.

Flags were also prevelant.

N said that this town has flags lining the streets on all patriotic holidays.

“Don’t mess with Texas” is a frequently seen motto. This means don’t mess with their flag, their star, or their traditions. The phrase was coined in the mid-’90s to instill pride and get a grip on the excessive litter.

Central California Artist in Texas, Chapter 4

On the way back from Waco, N took different back roads. This time we chose to go through Crawford, where Bush 43 has his ranch. Had his ranch? I don’t know for sure. We didn’t see any sign of the ranch, of course, but I was very surprised by the town.

THIS is city hall?!
Must not have a Works Dept. in Crawford

Somewhere we read about a waterfall, and realized we had driven past without noticing it. It had a funny name: Tonkawa Falls.

It was accessed through a park, which had a closed gate on one side but was open on the other. We hadn’t noticed the park because of the wildflowers across the street. Check out #9 on the sign at the park.

This is the part I loved.

We stopped for a few more wildflower photos.

The other thing that really impressed me in rural Texas counties was the very imposing and formal architecture of the county courthouses.

I hope you are enjoying a look at Texas through the eyes of your Central California artist. There will be 2 or 3 more chapters, before we return to watching paint dry.

Central California Artist in Texas, Chapter 3

When N and I were planning my visit to Texas, I asked if she had ever visited The Silos, AKA Magnolia, in Waco. She had not, and we decided to make the 1-1/2 hour trip to this tourist destination. Have you ever watched Fixer-Upper? Chip and Joanna Gaines have transformed the city of Waco with this place to hang out, play games, shop, eat, and just enjoy the atmosphere. I have enjoyed their books and seeing them fix up homes, along with the fun way they interact.

N wisely chose backroads to Waco, and wasn’t at all averse to stopping any time I exploded with a “OH MY GOODNESS!!”

It was a thrill to see those *big ol’ silos in person. So silly, they are just giant worn out tanks, good for nothing but as a landmark. I don’t go many places or do much, but when I do, I am thrilled. (No, I don’t drink Dos Eck-ees; I don’t drink.)

We asked if there were plans for the silos; nope, they are too greasy inside from cottonseed oil, and just too worn out. But there is storage beneath them, and the man told us we might just spot Chip and Joanna inside if we peeked in underneath. So we did.

N and I inspected each store, finding very little that seemed worth the money, since we are both of an age where we don’t want any stuff. But anything we do together is fun, so we poked around.

Well, okay I did buy one thing. When I was traveling, a zipper-pull on my tote bag broke off. Look what I found in one of the stores:

Why would a store think that there would be a market for monogramed brass zipper pulls??

What I liked best was the architecture of the old church that the Gaineses moved onto the property. It doesn’t function as a church, and I don’t know what its purpose is, other than to delight the visitor.

Besides seeing the church, I was so pleased that we were there when the magnolias were in peak form.

I *might could go back, but would pick a day when I could walk across the Bosque River that goes through town, maybe visit the Dr. Pepper museum, take a tour of one of the fixed up houses, and even eat in the Magnolia restaurant called The Table.

*I learned to speak Texan and will demonstrate occasionally here for your laughing pleasure.

P.S. When I got home, I was shocked to discover that I have those brilliant wildflowers planted in pots near my studio. Why did I not remember this when we were passing fields full of them??

Central California Artist in Texas, Chapter 2

My friends of 38 years, N & J, have lived in Texas for 30 years, and this is the first time I have been to visit. They came to get me from my friends north of Ft. Worth, and we drove to their home south of Ft. Worth. I spent no time in any Texas cities, only the ‘burbs, which suited me just fine.

So much green, so much to mow.

In spite of the lateness of the trip and all the mowing, there were a few bluebonnets remaining. These are definitely in the lupine family, but different than all our lupines in Central California.

This is a massive ant hill, made by harvester ants. They aren’t wicked like fire ants and have a little highway in the grass, busy all the time, just doing their ant business.

These friends also have an enormous lot with views of horses next door, a pond, and much greenery to mow.

Some things are just better to do when one is with a friend. Cutting off 14″ of hair was one of those. Dadgum, I am a gray-head! Oh well, whaddya expect at 64?

N and I hung around the house, taking walks in the mornings if it wasn’t raining, chitchatting, planning, catching up, laughing a great deal, just being together. Her husband was very patient with all the girl stuff going on around him. He was busy trying to solve the problem of a dead A/C and bird watching. The A/C quit the day I arrived, but fortunately for them, it was before the hard heat of summer set in.

We also had a few excursions, including thrift shopping, which is a bit odd when neither one of us enjoys shopping. Thrift shopping is more like treasure hunting than shopping. . . that is the best way we could figure out how to explain why it was fun. Maybe it was fun because we were together. I’ve thought from time to time that it might be good that we don’t both live in Three Rivers, because we’d probably never make other friends.

Tomorrow I’ll show you one of our excursions.

Central California Artist in Texas

Traveling is difficult, and it about broke my heart to leave Three Rivers while it was still green and full of flowers. The logistics of a trip can cause one to wonder if it is worth the effort.

It was.

I first spent time in a suburb north of Fort Worth with a dear friend who has young children and a new-to-them fixer-upper on a huge piece of property down a long driveway. They had three pallets of sod coming for a front lawn, and I was right on time to help with the project, because her husband had fallen and broken both of his arms above the elbows. (Don’t land hard on your wrists if you fall, okay?)

The greenery and scenery just blew my mind (figuratively speaking—not literally). I had no idea that Texas is so green this time of year, figuring I’d missed the best part of spring by waiting until the end of April.

Enough ogling. There was work to be done, and we were shocked by how hard it was. The plan was to rent Mantis type tillers, but neither one of us could get them started (nor could the Home Depot employee), so we rented bigger machines. They ’bout dang near vibrated our arms off, but there was no time for wimpiness.

There was time for a few walks, and we had to stop each time the sky let loose with a mess of rain. We also stopped when we heard thunder, because too many people have recently been struck by lightning for our comfort.

The husband keep the logistics moving ahead, coordinating, keeping the Littles busy, looking up instructions, doing what he could like bringing tools, and encouraging us. I had to drive his pickup with him to get a load of fill dirt in a pouring rainstorm because he couldn’t put his arms in driving position. Yikes, such terrible timing for him, but it was a great project and a privilege to be able to help.

The city yard where we got the fill dirt was fantastically organized, affordable, and easy to access, unlike in Tulare County. The last time Trail Guy and I got mulch at our county yard, it was full of plastic. Sigh.

Let’s take a break from the sod project and admire the property a bit more.

We were enormously grateful when the grown son arrived with a friend to finish the tilling and help lay the sod, since our arms were like limp spaghetti. We had planted many flowers, dug and lugged many rocks, and of course stayed up late catching up because we couldn’t talk when the machines were going.

The sod squares will not be evident as squares when the grass has an opportunity to do what God designed grass to do.

It was hard to say goodbye when my other set of friends, N & J, came to get me for the rest of my stay at their place south of Fort Worth. So interesting to have all of us together, both sets of friends formerly of Three Rivers, all now Texans, and just meeting for the first time.

There were so many things that would make beautiful paintings, but my audience (“collectors” in Artspeak) isn’t really interested in generic scenes. They want to buy paintings of places they know. Maybe I’ll paint some Texas green scenes when I retire (fall down laughing — why would I retire when I love what I do??)

To be continued. . .

While in Texas…

Yeppers, still here in the Lone Star State. It’s a bit late for the bluebonnets, we’re having lots of rain, there are fabulous other wildflowers, and I am learning much.

Here are a few teaser photos.

Lone stars are everywhere.
The Silos in Waco.
Indian Paintbrush is different here.
Bluebonnets are lupine; this is up close, looking straight down.
Gave a drawing workshop-that makes this a business trip.

Three paintings, two discomforts, and two jobs for Pippin

Three paintings

I was able to add the branches on the left and sign the painting before heading to Texas.

After getting some input from a smart and honest artist friend, I tackled this one again. It is much better, but it needs to hang around for a bit before I decide if it is good enough to sign.

This painting of the Honeymoon Cabin has been with me for three years, and I have wondered how to improve it. When in doubt, add details. . . it might not be the best solution, but it is my default position.

In addition to adding details, I refined some edges and brightened some colors. Now I really like it (but it is still for sale.) The improvements will be more visible when it is dry and photographed with more care. At 18×36″, it is way too big for the scanner.

Two discomforts

It was hot in the painting workshop, which meant mosquitos. I put a vase of lemon geranium (it has “citronella” in the official name) by the easel, but supplemented its weak efforts with repellent. (Sigh. Scratching bites anyway.) Summer’s coming, and the painting studio isn’t very comfortable in the summer. That’s why I poured it on all winter and spring.

Two jobs for Pippin

In addition to the heat and the mosquitos, I had the added bonus of listening to Pippin growl over a dead gopher and then crunch it for awhile. Nice job, you fantastic hunter! He has two jobs in life: be cute, and keep gophers from wrecking the yard.

One Final Peek at Spring in Three Rivers

May Day! Happy May Day, which I think traditionally includes flowers. (Then why do captains of planes and ships yell “MAY DAY!” when they are about to crash?)

A few days before I left for Texas, I spent a day working in the yard. Whoooo-eeee, it was hard to leave home.

Tucker joined me in the herb garden. He likes to meet me there for coffee in the mornings.

On the slope behind the house

Good thing it was almost dark when I left home because otherwise I might have been tempted to cancel the trip.