If you would like to see the pictures, go to jana botkin dot net (written this way instead of being a link you can tap to confound the evil robots who are messing things up.)
My neighbor adopted 4 kittens, then gave one to her coworker. Now she has 3 black kittens, and we don’t know how we will be able to tell them apart, other than one has a permanently crooked tail
It is baby turkey season.
The deer are back, but so far are hanging out across the street from the kitten house, not yet in my yard (which is why there are a few geraniums in bloom in pots, not yet eaten).
We are seeing bear activity in the neighborhood ALREADY, because the bad bears didn’t get moved, retrained, or dispatched. They may have slept a bit (do foothill bears hibernate??) but now are back to their habits of dumping over trash cans. No photos. You’re welcome. We try to keep things pleasant here. (The royal we, because we have no staff here.)
In Three Rivers, we may not be able to control the critter-caused troubles, but at least we can make our own signs about how to drive and what to expect in our neighborhoods without someone calling a bureaucrat to tattle.