After several months of no work (i.e. lovely free time at the cabin without deadlines or guilt), work is beginning to trickle back into my days.
First, a pencil commission. (I still love to draw.)
This was the little sketch for the customer to approve or amend.

She made a couple of suggestions, and I scribbled a few notes for further verification.

This is a house I visited. Actually, I visited the people there, but the house really stuck in my memory as very attractive. It will be quite fun to draw.
I worked on the herd of buffalo for the upcoming show at CACHE, called “A Bovine State of Mind”.

It might be finished, but I will wait to sign it until I am completely sure there is nothing left to improve.

I remembered that the Holiday Bazaar in Three Rivers is coming November 18, 2023. This is the Saturday BEFORE Thanksgiving. It is time to think about beefing up my inventory of smaller paintings for this annual boutique at the Remorial Building. (Remorial, liberry, prolly. . . bet you can translate these words).

Yep, messy, but the first layers always are.
It’s great to be producing art again, both with pencils and oil paints!
Just like any vacation, it’s nice to get a break, but then it’s nice to come back to what you love!
Wait . . . buffalo are cows?
Are you going to show us what you will submit to the Holiday Bazaar (eventually)? I hope so!
Sharon, I think buffalo fall into the category of “bovines”. It surprised me too.
If I finish the paintings and they don’t go somewhere else for sale first, I will try to remember to show The Blog. Thank you for asking!
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