After spending a weekend at the Redbud Festival discussing and hanging around with my oil paintings, it was time to resume painting. I have 6 Mineral King paintings to complete before the show at the Silver City Store on June 30. There’s plenty of time. . . good thing, because the distractions continue.
Before beginning to work on the remaining 6, several other paintings needed to be retouched. I noticed that a few skies had some green paint smudges. How did this happen? Probably by moving them around before they were fully dried. But I had to be very very careful, because these four were hovering around my work space.

This painting of a Big Tree seemed to not be quite right to me. I reblued the sky, brightened the highlighted edge, and put a tiny bit more light green on the ground.Meanwhile, these guys wanted to know what was going on over their heads.
Then I finally began working on the 6×18″ of Timber Gap with lupine in the foreground. Wow, tedious stuff.But, plenty of interruptions kept me from falling asleep at the easel.
Trail Guy stopped by to visit with the kittens. Then he did a bit of yardening.
It was a sad day at the easels, because it was our last day with Maeve. We were correct in our assessment of her state of unhealthiness. She is a sweet-natured little fuzzball, but she isn’t going to ever grow up right. Cats with no tails and no stubs of tails often have trouble, and she was one of those types. We took her to the vet yesterday to have him do the deed, and THE VET TECH ADOPTED HER!! She will know what to watch for and will be able to get Maeve the help she needs when she needs it.
We were blessed to have this little kitty in our lives for 2 weeks, and now are ready to see what happens with the others. Tucker and Scout are our buddies, but Heidi hisses whenever we reach toward her for any reason. Maybe we’ll change her name to Hissy. Little Miss Hissy-fit.

I had a female kitty that looked like Heidi. Her name was Pepper because that’s kind of what she looked like.
So sorry about Mauve. Hate hate hate that part of owning a pet, no matter if it’s early in life or when they have reached old age. My current furbaby, Bogie, is 15 and I’m bracing myself for when it’s time.
In the meantime, your paintings are beautiful! Wishing you all the best on June 30, and I wish I could be there to enjoy the show!
Thank you, Sharon, for your kind words about my paintings. And things turned out well for Maeve, for us, and for the vet tech who gets to have that sweet but damaged little kitty.
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