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Because I Feel Like It

Normally I think pretty long and carefully about what to paint, particularly when trying to build up a solid body of work for a solo show. I know that citrus, sequoias, Mineral King, foothills, and local landmarks are the most likely to sell. After all, I did come here to earn a living, not to just putz around for fun. It ain’t all that fun when it is 103°, painting in a room barely cooled by a swamp “cooler”.

I’m not complaining, just explaining.

This scene kept calling me back, so I finally decided to just paint it, even though it doesn’t really fall into any of the regular categories.

I love to draw with my paintbrushes. If I am listening to a good podcast and drawing, I hardly notice the heat. There will be an enormous amount of drawing with the bark on the trees, the chain holding the swing, all the branches and twigs, leaves, and of course, wildflowers in the foreground.

This tree with the tire swing is a mile or so above my house. I’m painting it because I feel like it.

So there.

Any questions?

I have one for you: WHAT SHALL I NAME THIS??


  1. Just want to say, Mike winter’s presentation was great. The journeys we go on to become who we are are so very interesting. Thank you for the link.

    • Thank you, Carol!! He did a great job.

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