Happy Birthday Jenny and Debbie!
First there was this version:
Why didn’t I like this? Other people did, but they chose other sequoia oil paintings instead of this one, so maybe they were just being polite.
I thought it over while at a show, with time in between visitors to evaluate things.
My main conclusion was that it needed something, but I wasn’t sure what. So, I took it home and started messing with it.

Does it look any more appealing now? I added more sky, dulled the distant trees a tad, and brightened the small foreground trees a teensy bit. The whole thing is much brighter in real life than on my screen here. And at the recent Perfect Gift Boutique, it attracted more comments than it did before renovation. However, it is still in my studio so it didn’t stir anyone to part with any money. Yet.
There is no way to be fully objective about one’s own work.
I like the addition of more sky, and the whiter highlights on the two center farther away trees. It does add depth, I think
Hi! I got your letter and was so thrilled.
More later,
Thank you, Jennifer! I like it better now too. No need to answer my over-long handwritten letter – consider it a gift!
I like both of them, but if I had to choose . . . the bottom one mainly because the “baby trees” are highlighted and more realistic with the lighter green new growth. If that makes sense.
Sharon, it makes sense, but what if it didn’t make sense? 😎
Then I would try again! And again. And again. 🙂
Cool – love your persistence!
Persistence . . . or stubbornness. You be the judge!
Every coin has two sides.
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