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Better Than Before

While at the Redbud Festival, there was plenty of time to sit and study my paintings. I put on my mental critic hat, and made a list of adjustments that would improve my paintings.

Better. Craig Ranch, 8×10″, $125
Better. Olive Orchard, 10×10″, $200
Walnut Grove, 10×10″, $200

Whaddya think about the improvements on these typical Tulare County scenes? Betcha you can’t even tell the differences.

Tomorrow: More Better Than Befores


  1. I think this is the post I tried to comment on before–like, last Saturday maybe? And of course I don’t remember what I wrote, but it was something like, “Yes, I can tell the difference and they are all improvements!” More contrast, a little lighter in spots.

    It’s nice to have “down time” to analyze, as long as you don’t over-analyze!

    P.S. I’m thinking seriously about coming up over the Picnic in the Park weekend. I would love to hear Michael’s talk, and I suppose live-streaming is not an option. . . . ?

    • Sharon, nope, that was another one still ahead. I accidentally hit “Publish” rather than “Schedule”.

      Not sure how to differentiate between analyzing and over-analyzing.

      Yes, come to the Picnic in the Park. Nope, no live-streaming!

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