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Better than Before, New and Improved

“Old and Improved” is a bit more accurate than “New and Improved”. If something is new, how can it be an improvement??

Here are three more paintings that I have made better than before. In the time since I first painted these, I have gotten better at painting. (“Better” means “better in my opinion”.)

This is Sunny Sequoias, 18×36″.


This is Big & Tall, also 18×36″.


Oak Grove Bridge #28, 24×30″


I wonder what I will think of these “improvements” in another 5 or 10 years. Chances are you can’t see the differences, compounded by the photographic variances.

Oh well, you can just rest assured that I am working hard at making my fall show at CACHE be the best it can be, showing off the beauty of Tulare County to the utmost of my ability.


  1. I CAN the difference! The bolder colors in the “after pictures” look fantastic! I’m sure they will be successful at the show. Love seeing the paintings of this beautiful part of California.

    • Thank you, Anne! Much of the difference is simply a result of photographing in a different type of light.

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