The domestic bird paintings are all 6×6″, oil on wrapped canvas as usual, $60 plus tax as usual (unless you live outside California, in which case you can skip the 8% sales tax).
The wild birds are on 4×6″ wrapped canvas, oil as usual, $50 plus tax (unless you live in another state.)
Ethan named this rooster “Cloudwing”, so I am naming this painting “Cloudwing”. (I’m clever that way sometimes.)Ethan named this rooster “Dinnerbone”. He is clever; I am an imitator. So, this painting is named. . . can you guess??This is a hen named Blondie. Originally I named the painting “A’s Buddy” (“A” is Ethan’s sister); now the painting is simply called “Blondie”.Would you believe “Gumball”? Yeppers, this is Gumball!This is the third time I’ve painted a California Quail, but calling it Quail III. . . meh. So, it is simply “California Quail”. SOLDHeron – Great Gray? Great Blue? Nope, just “Heron”.
love your chickens!
Thank you, Janet! They are sure fun to paint – all those bright colors, funny attitudes, detailed eyes.
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