Kaweah Artisans is a loose association of artists and makers who have put together little shows, called “boutiques”, for around 20 years. Nikki Crain, weaver extraordinaire, and I are the only almost original members of the group.
We have shown at a winery, a coffee place, and at The Arts Center, all in Three Rivers; those places are no longer viable so for the past 3 years we have been squatters.
We borrow space in empty storefronts along the highway in Three Rivers, due to the generosity of landlords who are friends.
Our most recent show, The Perfect Gift Boutique, was another success. Here is a peek at the work behind the scenes.
An artisan’s hubby discusses the particulars with the gracious and generous landlord.
My structure is in place; I chose to not bring any tables and to go flat up against the wall because this particular space is only 350 square feet for 4 exhibitors, about 50 square feet smaller than traditional show spaces for this number of artists.Ready to go.4 poinsettias, 3 banners, a sandwich board, wreath, and balloons to attract attention.It was a cold day with low snow and overcast skies. We began at 10 a.m. but people didn’t begin arriving until around noon on Friday.Elizabeth’s jewelryNikki’s weavingSam’s gourdsWe closed up at 4 p.m. and it was beautiful outside!