There’s that annoying word, “busy”. Full calendar, perhaps, might be a better thing to say. No, that isn’t really true, because I scheduled three days of doing just about nothing. Mineral King has been busy because with the closure of Yosemite, visitors are coming hard and fast into Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks. It has taken them a bit longer to discover Mineral King, but the back country trails have been filling up.
The Mineral King Preservation Society has an annual event that used to be called “The Hoedown”. Someone finally pointed out that no one knows what that word actually means, and the MKPS had the good sense to change it to the classier “Music in the Mountains”.
Trail Guy was the organizer, and he did a great job! Excellent evening together in Mineral King for anyone who had the good fortune to be there.
Keith Hamm and Esther Zurcher call themselves “Mankin Creek” and are a folk-type music husband/wife duo from Three Rivers. It is always a treat to hear them.Music in the Mountains took place on this old cement slab above the parking lot at the end of the road.Free picnic-style dinner was provided to all 93 folks who attended (except one who wouldn’t even eat the veggie sandwiches because they have mayo – hunh?)This is one of our favorite grandpas, enjoying seeing his granddaughter dance.And this is the granddaughter with her mom.Others danced too – this one was for Louise Jackson, the originator of the event who could not attend this year. Her favorite song is “Don’t Fence Me In”, so Keith and Esther played it for her. I had to go do something busy so I wouldn’t cry during this one.These really aren’t grumpy old men (and no, Jake, I’m not calling you “old”). They are quite genial fellows who are listening intently and enjoying the music. Maybe they are trying not to cry here.Trail Guy is ‘splaining how things work.Jim Ingram provided the sound system and a few cowboy favorites.Rich and Nikki came from Three Rivers for the evening and showed us all how to dance.Nikki’s cousin Stefni was a surprise singing guest with a truly beautiful voice.
Wonderful blog, Jana. In both photos and words it gives the warm yet expansive community feelings I have for the event as it has evolved. I really like where Michael and you have taken it! Thank you!
Thank you, Mountain Lou!! Your approval means a lot. It is Michael’s doing; I just trot along behind, wondering why we have to be so busy (gripe grip mumble mumble grumble).
We had a great time at this event! The next day, Stefni (thanks for spelling her name correctly) talked about how much fun she had and how glad she was that we went. I wish I had received the gift of voice that she did. Jealousy is a sin, right? Sigh!
Nikki, it was thanks to your email that I saw how to spell Stefni’s name. If we can turn envy into admiration, we can get a gold star! Besides, if we were the ones with the voice, it wouldn’t sound as good to our own ears.
Wonderful blog, Jana. In both photos and words it gives the warm yet expansive community feelings I have for the event as it has evolved. I really like where Michael and you have taken it! Thank you!
Thank you, Mountain Lou!! Your approval means a lot. It is Michael’s doing; I just trot along behind, wondering why we have to be so busy (gripe grip mumble mumble grumble).
We had a great time at this event! The next day, Stefni (thanks for spelling her name correctly) talked about how much fun she had and how glad she was that we went. I wish I had received the gift of voice that she did. Jealousy is a sin, right? Sigh!
Nikki, it was thanks to your email that I saw how to spell Stefni’s name. If we can turn envy into admiration, we can get a gold star! Besides, if we were the ones with the voice, it wouldn’t sound as good to our own ears.
Enjoyed all the pictures! Wish I could have been there!
Virginia, it was a great time. Maybe next year your cabin time will coincide with the event.
Harkens back to the Saturday night Silver City dances of yore!
Joyce, that’s what They say. . .
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