All these paintings are small and will be for sale at the Holiday Bazaar, coming to Three Rivers on November 18 at the Three Rivers Remorial Building. (Yes I know it is “memorial”, but I learned to say it this way from my former neighbor, formerly a girl, currently a married woman.)
This one only needs the background. That will go quickly (unless it doesn’t). If it looks familiar, it is because I painted from the same photo on a mural at Santa Teresita.

These are all in progress.
What was the beginning of pumpkins is now becoming Lake Kaweah.

This will be Alta Peak with Moro Rock, a scene I can see when I stand on the bench that surrounds my chimney, one I have painted many times before. This time it will be from a combination of multiple photos.

Finally, this little 6×6″ painting went so quickly that I took zero in-progress photographs.

Say it with me now: “This looks better in person” and “I’ll scan it after it dries.”