After goofing off for most of the month of May instead of painting and drawing, I found a new motivation to return to the easels: a solo show to prepare for! It’s a long way off, but I want it to be the best work I have ever done.
An orange grove painting is supposed to be destined for the dining area of my house, but since I hung this painting of Sequoia trees, there isn’t an empty space nagging at me. However, it might be good in the Long Ways Off show, and I’ll need to paint many larger paintings, so it is TIME to go back to work.
This is how it has looked for months. (I cleaned off the spider webs for you.)
Better sky and distant hills first.
Then I began working my way forward.
When I got to that distant curving road, I flipped it over to better focus on the correct shapes.
Finally, I was tired of mosquitoes and my knees hurt, so I sat down to work on the dirt.
There are still miles to go. I actually took twice as many photos as you see here but deleted every other one so you wouldn’t fall asleep.
Things learned:
- Morning light in the painting workshop is better for photographing the work.
- Mosquitos are a real hindrance to concentrating.
- After not painting for weeks, my knees hurt after standing a few hours.
- With the doors opened for better light, sometimes my photos blow onto my palette.
I wonder how long this new motivation will hold. That show is a long ways off: October 2024.