Day Two on Indoor Murals

Why does the title say “murals” instead of “mural”? Because there will be more in this location.

I started with the hardest one of the four because there will be new flooring installed in this room next week. So far I haven’t spilled, dripped, or dropped a brush. I am making a conscious effort to be very neat, and so far I haven’t wiped my brushes on my pants once! I decided that an old pair of jeans could become my painting pants, and while I am okay with getting paint on them, I am trying to break the habit of using them as a paint rag.

Here is the progression on Day Two. 

I began on the left side, filling in behind the blossoms from Day One because it didn’t have enough depth. Then I painted in a few “strings” toward the middle. If I put in a vertical line as a stem, I can build the blossoms around it.

You can see more blossoms happening toward the middle of the vine here. I had high hopes of finishing it in two days, but hadn’t taken into account the filling in of Day One’s work.

It seemed like a good plan to put background blossoms in first – a bit lighter, a bit bluer in color, and somewhat blurry.

The closer blossoms have darker and lighter colors with more parts, including a bit of greenery. (Yes, I know it is hard to tell in these little dark photos.)

About 6 hours of painting straight is my limit. Much longer and my work starts getting sloppy. (Might even accidentally clean my brush on my pants.) So, I got off the ladder and put dirt and grass at the base of the vine. This way, if the Customers decide to move the bed, the vine won’t just drift off into Quitsville.

I wonder if I will be able to finish this on Day Three. As I move out to the right side, there will be fewer blossoms, with the heaviest concentration in the middle. More will be revealed in the fullness of time. You will probably learn about this some time next week. 

Almost Finished with the Sawtooth Paintings

At the time of this writing, 2 of the Sawtooth paintings are finished, and the third just needs a small area before joining the others in their finished state. I had leftover paint on my palette, so I painted the edges. This made them a bit too wet to handle, so #3 had to be on hold for a bit.

As I show you these photos of the paintings in progress, I get more and more confused as to which painting is in what stage; I’m like the mother of triplets who lost the note telling which kid has a mole on his 2nd toe or something else to distinguish them (but I don’t have difficulty in real life because they are 2 different sizes and have an inventory number on the backs).

Sometimes when I look at photos of the finished paintings, I see more things to correct. Unless they are glaring mistakes, I will ignore them. These patient customers would like their paintings sometime, preferably sooner rather than later.

Here – you can see a few more and join me in my state of confusion. This top one is finished, but we are hard pressed to tell in the high contrast sunshine.  The 16×20 is finished; the 11×14 beneath it isn’t – look at the trees on the right (middle) side. This one looks finished. I wonder if it is the 16×20 or one of the 11x14s. This one needs mid-ground trees and foreground grasses and flowers. Definitely not finished. This one appears to be finished. When there are grasses and tiny colored dots for flowers, it is finished.

What’s harder? Painting the same scene three times, or trying to sort the photos and show people? Or trying to comprehend a blog post about it? (See? I always have questions!)

Lots of Sawtooths (Sawteeth? Nah)

Painting the same complicated and difficult picture multiple times doesn’t seem to make it any easier. But, since I have done it before, I know I can do it again (and again, and yet again).

This is the 16×20″ version.

These are the two 11×14″:It takes some discipline to not get too far ahead on each one. Even if I am on a roll, I have to move to the other 2 canvases to repeat a successful rock, tree, texture, or stretch of water. When all are finally finished, I will evaluate each part, decide which painting is the best in that area, and then bring the other two up to the level of the best.

P.S. Who’da thunk that the plural of “Sawtooth” would be “Sawtooths?”

How I Designed a Logo, Chapter 8

The new drawing was in place, but I thought the type was overpowering to the drawing. The customers had a different thought, which really surprised me: they preferred the placeholder drawing to the new one!

I realize that what I consider to be a good drawing versus what people who don’t draw consider to be a good drawing differs. But, I could not not not let this drawing from the last century go into the new logo. NOT.

So, I drew it again.


Edited to:


The road and the fence were what spoke to them in the old drawing. I did better mountains, better foothills, and because they grow both oranges and lemons, we included both. 

But wait! There will be more. . . stay tuned!

How I Designed a Logo, Chapter 7

My customers chose this version of their logo.

Now, it was time to do the original drawing to customize the logo for them.

They requested color, but before I added it to the drawing, I put it into the logo instead of the place holder.

Getting there, but more polishing and adjusting ahead. Logo design is tricky stuff, and there has to be clear communication between me and the customers in order to get it just right for them.

To be continued. . .

Oil Painting With Friends

Today I will be at Exeter’s Courthouse Gallery from 11-3, oil painting with friends. You are welcome to stop by!

Why will I be there when I could be painting at home? 

  1. My friends don’t have as much experience in oil painting as I do, so I can help them.
  2. Sometimes it is fun to paint with friends instead of painting alone at home.

I might bring this trail painting or maybe a stack of Sawtooth paintings.

How I Designed a Logo, Chapter 6

I sent 3 rough-drawn logo options to my customers, and they chose this one for me to refine.

I downloaded the typeface that was closest to this, and then began manipulating it to fit around the circle. We began talking about what to do with “Orchards, Inc.”, whether or not to include it, how to make it look good.

Which one did they choose? Stay tuned. . .

How I Designed a Logo, Chapter 5

After looking at Western typestyles, sketching out some ideas, and turning a pencil drawing of a citrus scene into a circle, I began refining the five design ideas.

Time to mull it over, chose three, and show the customers. I sent the first three and scrapped the other two. They might have been workable, but enough already!

To be continued. . .


Department of Redundancy Dept.

I have become a (temporary) Sawtooth painting factory.

First, sky and clouds on all three.

Second, Sawtooth on all three.

Third, trees on distant ridges on all three.

Fourth, work on the distant trees that are somewhat distinct.

Fifth, scribble in some layers of green on all three, because it is getting too dark to see, there is green paint on the palette that can be used to add another layer to the canvases, and that’s all I can take today of the repetition of these custom Mineral King oil paintings. 

Next painting session: figure out the confusing rocks in the stream on one painting, and then use it as a guide for the other two. This will be more effective than repeating a rock three times and then realizing it is in the wrong place. Who cares if a rock is in the wrong place? If it makes the stream flow look unbelievable, all three customers might care.