For awhile now I have told you that my favorite subject to paint is citrus against the foothills and the mountains. It is almost my favorite subject to draw in pencil too. It is right up there with cabins, (published an entire book about them here), old homes (recently drew this one) and the Oak Grove Bridge. (One post about it here).,
Now I am working on a logo design, and it calls for a drawing. (I gave you a little teaser about it here.)
Here it is in progress. I used every source I could find – photos on my computer, previous drawings, physical snapshots – and then proceeded to make up the leaves and oranges and grove.
This took much longer than a painting or a drawing of a cabin. I forgot how slow it is to place and delineate every leaf and orange.
Here it is almost finished.
And here is it after photoshopping out all the grayish background.
If/when the customers approve, I will add colored pencil: orange in the oranges on the left, yellow in the lemons on the right, and a little bit of green to the leaves.