Show on Short Notice

Told you it was a busy week! So busy that I forgot to post.

I received a “Call to Artists”. This is ArtSpeak for “Hey, wanna put your art in a show?”

The point of the show is to celebrate the centennial anniversary of the National Park Service.

The duration of the show is August 1 – September 30.

The location is the Courthouse Gallery in Exeter.

The deadline for entry is JULY 14!! Tomorrow!

The entry process was a little vague and somewhat complex, and with the short notice, I was scrambling. I have plenty of art of Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks, probably enough to fill the entire Courthouse Gallery all by my lonesome, but it has to be framed, the size determined, a price set, titles assigned, and photos or scans taken. This is part of the business of art.

Suddenly instead of working on the Exeter coloring book, I was pulling drawings from drawers, taking frames from storage and off the walls, digging through a box of mats, retouching drawings and occasionally reshaping them so they will fit in available mats and frames.

Bridge at Lodgepole2 Roaring River Falls2

Tomorrow I will describe my framing process. Prepare to either laugh or start snatching yourself bald in frustration.

Redbud Report Continued

Heart of the Hills

Yesterday I told you that fifty-eight coloring books, Heart of the Hills, sold during the annual Redbud Festival in Three Rivers.

Lest you think I could have just skipped the booth set up and plopped myself at a card table with a stack of coloring books, plenty of other items also sold. I even had the privilege of seeing some new friends from Fresno who came specifically for pencil drawings, which I had to race home and retrieve. So glad I live close, and that Trail Guy delivered my car to me, since I had walked to work that morning.

Cards, small oil paintings and tee shirts remain popular. But the coloring book stole the show.

My booth was busy almost the entire time, and sometimes I’d see someone sort of hovering around the edges. While I’d be talking with someone else, I’d just pick up a coloring book and pass it over the the hoverer, who invariably said, “How did you know that is what I was looking for?!”

I lied and said I had read her mind. (I hope no one got freaky about that.) It was just obvious to me, taking into account the tremendous popularity and publicity the coloring book is receiving.

Besides, I’ve been doing this show off and on since 1987, so I can read people pretty well.

Wow. It was a busy busy weekend, and I am so thankful to have had this pleasant and peaceful walk to work each morning of the show.

It is truly a blessing to live in Three Rivers.


Redbud Report

Redbud is shorthand for The Redbud Festival, an annual arts and crafts fair in Three Rivers. It happened this past weekend. Because I live nearby, I was able to set up my booth on Friday afternoon with the help of Trail Guy and the trusty Botmobile. (That is his 1986 Toyota pickup with 300,000+ miles. If you need a fabulous mechanic, I HIGHLY recommend Foreign Autoworks in Visalia – Toyota, Honda, and their derivatives only. 559-734-8285.)


I purposely brought fewer oil paintings than usual. Just wondering and experimenting with how the booth looks to see if less is more or if less is a bore.

IMG_2816I knew that coloring books would be the big deal, so I hung the somewhat cheesy sign where it could be seen from each entry. And I brought the finished commissioned painting of the Three Rivers house, along with the in-progress version of the Oak Grove Bridge.


I liked the uncluttered look of the screens. Along with oil paintings and coloring books, I had Mineral King tee shirts (now sold out enough to be removed from my website), notecard packages, and Wilsonia cabin books.

It was all mostly a backdrop, a little gallery for the purpose of selling coloring books.


Heart of the Hills is available here and at Kaweah River Trading Co., Three Rivers Mercantile, and the Three Rivers History Museum, all in Three Rivers.




Redbud Festival is Coming!

Redbud Festival in Three Rivers is an annual arts and crafts show at the Veterans Memorial Building.

This year it will be on Saturday, May 7 and Sunday, May 8. (Yes, that is Mother’s Day).

I’ve been painting a few pieces to add to the collection for sale, in case anyone is interested in anything besides coloring books.



List from a (BUSY!) Central California artist

Today’s post is full of unrelated items, all of which are important. I have a profession filled with variety, all challenging, fulfilling, and fun. This calls for a list:

  1. Tonight I will be demonstrating pencil drawing for the Tulare Palette Club. 
  2. The drawings for my upcoming coloring book are FINISHED!
  3. I have edited a novel! The author wrote a very good story and is now seeking an agent.
  4. I have edited a non-fiction book! It included using Photoshop on 128 photos, and now I am chipping away at the design. This is because. . .
  5. . . . I am the Book Shepherd for the project. Every heard this term? It is a person who takes a book all the way through publication. I have experience here because. . .
  6. The Cabins of Wilsonia  is a completely self-published book. The website croaked, but the book is available here: The Cabins of Wilsonia
  7. I’ll be starting a new oil painting commission soon.
  8. The giant oil painting of the Oak Grove Bridge is in a time-out. The future of the bridge itself is in a decision making stage with three options. You may comment about it, indicating your personal preference (as long as it is Alternative #1, but of course I am entirely neutral on the subject) I hope to learn of the website soon.
  9. Next week I’ll tell you more about the upcoming coloring book.

Now, if you have persisted to the end of the list, you get to see a few more beautiful photos of spring in Three Rivers. Thanks for stopping by today!

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Stocking Stuffer Boutique First Saturday Three Rivers

IMG_5744Saturday, December 5, 2015, is what is called “First Saturday” in Three Rivers. I know, thanks, Captain Obvious.

Every first Saturday of the month, special things happen at various businesses and artist studios in Three Rivers.

Tomorrow, the Kaweah Artisans will hold a little show and sale called the “Stocking Stuffer Boutique”. It will be at the same location as last year’s – a one-day location from a generous business person in Three Rivers.

Stocking Stuffer Boutique

Saturday, December 5, 2015

11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

41831 Sierra Drive (at the downstream end of the Kaweah Commonwealth Bldg.)



I will bring;

  • original oil paintings – priced from $20 – $400
  • 2016 calendars, “The Cabins of Tulare County” – $15
  • The Cabins of Wilsonia books – $80
  • Mineral King tee shirts – $25
  • blank journals with photos or oil paintings on the cover – $12
  • notecards – priced from $7 – $10
  • molasses raisin cookies – yum, free snacks!


Perfect Gift Wrap

It’s a wrap. The Perfect Gift Boutique was well attended. There were so many visitors to Three Rivers because of Thanksgiving. There were so many visitors to the Perfect Gift Boutique because they couldn’t get into Sequoia – cars were backed up for a mile or 2, some only to be turned around at the entrance station because they didn’t have tire chains. So, they looked for something to do in Three Rivers and found us.

(All people with websites and email newsletters are supposed to be asking visitors to their booths/shows/studios etc. for email addresses. I asked one man, and it felt invasive and intrusive and weird. Do you have an opinion about being asked for your eddress? I honestly don’t know what to do. I just want to draw and paint, not be some marketer/pushy salesman/obnoxious sellsy eddress gatherer.)

This is a very spacious venue for shows – the Three Rivers Arts Center on North Fork Drive. I spread out on half the stage. It even comes with a throw rug – upscale, indeed.


I tried something new – brought 2 wet paintings on an easel. People were dying to touch them – I watched them battle the temptation. (had a rag on stand-by just in case)



My next door neighbor on the stage was my good friend, the amazing weaver Nikki Crain. We like to do shows together, and have been for about 15 or maybe even 20 years (yeppers, started doing shows at age 10).

I went outside for a brief break to look at the fall color on the Chinese Pistache tree. In front was a redbud tree WITH BLOSSOMS ON IT!!

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So, I went back inside and contemplated the peculiarity while enjoying the colors of my other neighbor, Janene with her lotions, potions and soaps. She makes these things, and her display is full of beautiful blues.



Thus, we wrap up another Perfect Gift Boutique on Thanksgiving weekend in Three Rivers.

It’s a wrap!

Perfect Gift Boutique

Here is a mellow alternative to the craziness of Black Friday. Drive to Three Rivers, see the snow on the mountains, the green on the hills, the bears all around, and visit a little group of artists selling their wares. 

Perfect Gift - 2015-11-20

P.S. In addition to oil paintings, I will be selling Mineral King tee shirts, The Cabins of Wilsonia books, 2016 calendars called The Cabins of Tulare County, cards and blank journals with art or photos on the cover.

Perfect Gift Boutique coming Friday and Saturday


What are you doing, California Artist? I mean Central California Artist?

I’m pretending to be a sign painter again.


There is a show coming soon for the Kaweah Artisans.


A loosely formed group of craftswomen, men and artists who are sort of based within the Kaweah River area.


“Kah-WEEE-uh” is the name of the river which has 5 branches in the Three Rivers area of central California.

Three or five? I know Tulare Co. is the 3rd least educated county in the state, but can’t you people even count to five?

‘Tis a mystery, indeed. But you are getting off track here. I want to tell you about the upcoming show for the Kaweah Artisans.

Why don’t you do it in big bold letters, maybe in red or something.

Good idea!

the annual Perfect Gift Boutique

Friday, November 27 – 28

Three Rivers Arts Center

Just over the North Fork Bridge, first building on the left

Times to be announced, sign to be painted, better get some hustle in your bustle, Central California Artist!


November is the Busiest Month

Happy Birthday, Shirley Goodness!

November is the busiest month of the year for my little art business called “Cabinart”.

This is a long post and it might make you tired. Better grab some coffee before settling in.

Here’s a little sampling for you.


Friday a.m. was a meeting with our state assemblyman, Jim Patterson. It was at the Gateway Restaurant, which is just upstream of the Gateway Bridge. That bridge is the bigger brother of my favorite bridge (three arches instead of one), so of course I had to attend the meeting near it. It was sort of a family reunion to visit the Gateway Bridge; wouldn’t you agree?


I got home with a little time to work on these signs. You can see the evidence of a minor paint accident.

IMG_1949 Then it was time to head over to the Remorial Building to set up for the Holiday Bazaar. “Remorial” is how we say “Memorial” at our house. We learned it from our neighbor when she was about 6 years old.

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The show was a booming success on Saturday. You can see it was a gorgeous day in Three Rivers for this annual event.

I got home in time to shove everything into the workshop and studio and head to church for the annual Harvest Festival. Details aren’t relevant to the content of this blog, but suffice it to say that the overlap of dates really kept me running.

While shoving things into the workshop, I was reminded of work that awaits.

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These paintings were drying in the house by the wood stove. They need to be ready for the next boutique in 2 weeks.


Meanwhile, a commissioned pencil drawing is ready to be started.

Cats sketch

(The customer chose C. He already knows I can draw, so no one needs to call a veterinarian for these kitties.)

And, this is first time I have painted olives. These are commissioned oil paintings, as are the oranges. I think the olives are so beautiful that I ordered a 24×24″ canvas and plan to do a large painting of olives when things calm down a bit.


It won’t be this exact arrangement. Instead, after the other 5 paintings are finished, I will figure out the best parts of each and make a new design.

Meanwhile, I might need to go lie down for a bit.

NOPE. This is the harvest season, and during harvest, farmers don’t climb out of their pick-ups and go home for a nap. I am a farmer’s daughter, and I can and will push through. What’s more, I am really enjoying this season.

Is there any other job in the world with this much variety and activity and autonomy and chance for creativity?

P.S. Thanksgiving is coming quickly, I’m planning for an oil painting workshop for my advanced drawing students, have jury duty soon, am looking for a date to schedule private drawing lessons for 2 busy girls, got another commissioned pencil drawing to design and complete in time for the customer to have framed before Christmas, and practice for the church’s Christmas musical is heating up. (No, I don’t sing – I can read music, listen, and push buttons, so I run the sound board.) Also been asked to participate in a skit (I said no), judge an art contest (said yes, but keeping it anonymous) and go shopping for Operation Christmas Shoebox (just took the easy way out and wrote a check.) No nap for this little gray duck. Please pass the chocolate (the darker, the better.)