
Sometimes people think artists are weird.

I think everyone is normal until I get to know them.

I did a mental inventory of all the chairs in my house. (Is this weird? Never mind. Don’t answer that question.) As I moved from room to room, I realized that EVERY SINGLE CHAIR IN MY HOUSE is a salvage, a second-hand, a “sure, I’ll take that”.

A few weeks ago, Trail Guy and I were at a dump. (None of your beeswax, but thanks for your concern.) I saw a chair, and knew it was meant for me.

This is not the dump, in case you were wondering. Again, thank you for your concern.

It was a mess, but a classic shape, sturdy frame, and just what our green room needs. The green room is a little empty, and I’ve been thinking about what might be good in there. This chair is just what I had envisioned.

Empty-ish green room.

I chose fabric that I thought would suit the chair (a vague blurry bit of it is in the foreground of the photo above) and took a few photos of the chair.

When my favorite upholsterers received the photos, this was the response: “This is a 1950 vintage chair. very popular because of the great lines and comfort.  We can repair the back leg or replace. With a new cushion you will have a beautiful chair.”

How beautiful? I almost choked when he named the price.

The senior upholsterer said that when it is finished, it would be worth $1200! I told him I couldn’t afford a chair of that quality or value. Remember, I find my chairs in the dump! (or yard sales,other people’s garages or thrift shops)

I thought about taking the chair back home again, but realized I’d have to unload it. Then I’d think about it for awhile, adjust to the price, make arrangements to load it and take it back to Visalia.



It is a mess, but can’t you see the possibilities here?

Weird? Or resourceful?

It is so satisfying to find something of potential value, to salvage and repair, to find completely unique things, to own items with a story, to enjoy things that are lasting, timeless, and classic.

The upholsterer said it would last 25 years. I thought, “IT HAD BETTER!!”

Uh, does anyone want to buy a coloring book? One hundred coloring books? Or how about an oil painting? A really large oil painting, perhaps?

I’m in a show soon at the Courthouse Gallery in Exeter. Bring your checkbook.


Wildflower Quest and Thoughts on Naming Flowers

Every summer in Mineral King, Trail Guy goes on a quest for Leopard Lilies. They have a fabulous fragrance, and often we smell them before we see them.

Mineral King wildflowers are usually at their peak during the first couple of weeks in July. This year they are particularly profuse.

Groundsel is common. It is a little boring, except when there are great masses of it together. It always looks slightly worn out.
Penstemmon comes in many colors and styles. This might be called “golden beard”. I wasn’t asked, but if I had been, I would call this one “lipstick”.
No flowers here, but I can’t pass over this bridge without photographing the classic scene.
“Wild geranium” makes no sense as a name, unless you know that what we call “geranium” at home is actually pelargonium, and true geraniums look more like this. Someone is jerking us around in this naming busines.
Wild asters usually don’t appear until late August. They are more lavender than they appear in this photo.
The larkspur were thick and bright, but my little PHD (press here, Dummy) camera wouldn’t focus on them. Where else will you see purple and yellow together and not think it is a little obnoxious?
We (ahem – Trail Guy) always find artifacts in Mineral King, a place very rich in cultural history. This is part of an old stove. Apparently, people in the olden days thought nothing of walking away from their stuff. Don’t know about you, but I’ve never removed a stove part, much less left it lying around. Maybe these folks would have been Lawn Parkers if they were in a more modern era.
Rein orchis is a weird weird name. “Orchis” not “orchid”. “Rein” not “rain”. You just can’t make this stuff up, unless you are an Official Flower Namer. They get to do whatever they want. I used to think grown-ups got to do whatever they wanted, but maybe not, unless they are Flower Namers.
Somewhere in there is a Leopard Lily. We spotted it!
“We”? Nope, Trail Guy spotted it!
Then he stuck his nose in it.
This is a boring photo. In real life it was sparkly white flowers and a few bright purplish-pink wild onions.
More sparkly white “knot weed”, which looks like a Nothing Burger in this photo. Guess you had to be there.
This unnamed and unknown (to me) flower is thick along the Mineral King Road, maybe around 5000′. This was one of the first times I found it near a turnout, when no one else was around so I could really appreciate it. Besides, it wasn’t 100 degrees out, so I didn’t mind stopping.
Look how thick this is here! Anyone know the name of this? How about “roadside blue”? I want to be a Flower Namer!

Oh Say. . .

. . . can you see what a privilege it is to live in this country?

Oh Say

Israel is about the size of New Jersey. They are an amazing country, surviving and thriving in a hostile place. I saw a tee shirt there that read “Don’t worry, America. Israel has your back.”




(Happy Birthday, Lauren!)


Merry Christmas

merry Christmas


Going silent for awhile – May you enjoy the blessings of the season, dear Readers.

Tina, Where Are You?

This is an unusual post, for an unusual circumstance. Someone named Tina ordered a calendar but did not provide her mailing address. 

Her email address was provided from Paypal, but there was no physical address or P.O. box # provided so that I could mail her a calendar.

I emailed her twice, and didn’t hear back. This probably means that my email landed in her spam folder. 

She emailed me asking where her calendar was, but still did not provide a mailing address. I replied, but am thinking that may have also landed in a spam folder.

So, this blog post is an attempt to locate Tina! 

Tina, I hope you are reading this! If you are, please use the contact button again, and this time include your mailing address. I really want to send you your calendar!!


Here is a short list of things for which I am thankful today.


Rain that is turning the hillsides to green!


A strong healthy husband who can replace our roof.


A group of women friends who packed 84 Operation Christmas Shoebox boxes to share with children around the world.


Snow on Alta Peak.


A friend to help on the roof, and a new roof!


Fantastic fall color, suddenly and everywhere.

Kaweah Post Office – Sad and Good

It took a few weeks to gather the courage, but I finally drove past the Kaweah Post Office. You may need to avert your eyes – it is dismal and sad.

broken PO

Forgive me for such ugliness on this blog.

Let me atone for this indignity by sharing some good news about the Kaweah Post Office.

The eBay auction, the commission for Chuck, the sale of another painting of the post office, and several generous donations have produced. . .

rap a tap a rap a tap a rap a tap a rap a tap a rap a tap a rap a tap a rap a tap a rap a tap a rap a tap

(That was a drum roll, in case you were wondering.)


This is a HUGE dent in the $3000 insurance deductible that the owner of the post office has to come up with for the repairs.


(I used my favorite color of teal for that sentence to express my appreciation.)

Tomorrow I will further atone for the offensive photo above by showing you the 3 oil paintings of the Kaweah Post Office when it was whole and surrounded by greenery.

P.S. I keep repeating Kaweah Post Office so that Mr. Google can help people find it when they are seeking updates about our beloved Three Rivers landmark.

One More Look at Adding Blue

To continue yesterday’s dissatisfying post about color, here is an aspen painting before I added blue: 1530 Aspens n:c

Here it is afterward:

1530 Aspens
Aspens, oil on wrapped canvas, 6×6″, sold

Ahem. Why is it that I can repair photos quite well using Photoshop Elements but cannot get the same painting to scan the same way 2 times in a row?

Who cares? I have real work to do!

Kaweah Post Office Fundraiser Update

We interrupt our normal broadcast schedule to bring you a Kaweah Post Office fundraising update! (music, graphics, running line across the bottom of your screen? Nope, “We” is just me.)

My husband just retrieved today’s mail, and included was a check for $1500 to help pay for the rebuilding of the Kaweah Post Office!

Fifteen hundred dollars.

I am not making this up! What a crazy-generous friend we have!

Thank you, crazy generous friend who wishes to remain anonymous!