Who am I??

 I have been dinking around on a painting that supposedly was finished several months ago. This is before:  


 And here is after: (the color differences are due to my photographic ignorance)


 It is representational of the inner war each time I paint. In my head is a cacophony of voices saying “looser, stop drawing with your paintbrush, just concentrate on color and value”.  And then there is a clear voice of my own experience that says “make it right and include almost everything; treat your paintbrush as an extension of your hand and eye; paint like you draw because is is who you are”.  Authenticity is always my goal in almost every thing I say and do. So why am I trying to discern voices from the cacophony? Look at that word: it has the word “phony” in it!!! Aha! There’s my answer! 


Now I need to add some more detail to the trees in the foreground AND the pasture in the middle ground! Will I ever finish. . .? More will be revealed!


3 new starts

If a picture is worth 1000 words, here are 3000 words for you to see. No, wait, these aren’t finished! Maybe they are only worth 1500 words at this point. . . You be the judge! The top one is HUGE – 18×24″. It is fairly close to being finished – all but the trees on the far left. The other 2 are a modest 11×14 each, and they are a good example of how my paintings look on the day they are born. (no, that is NOT a telephone pole in the bottom one!)


Jones p.s.

She was so weird – here are some pictures of how she drank water. (So I might be a little weird too, taking pictures of my cat drinking!)



How much?

In an earlier post, I talked about how long it takes to do a piece of art. The conclusion was, “Who cares, as long as I meet the deadline?” But since time supposedly is money, let’s talk about money.If I kept track of my time in order to price artwork by the hour, many different things could happen. The customer could think I was overcharging. The customer could think I was undercharging. My students could be discouraged that I draw 3x as fast as they do. I could get discouraged that the work was taking FOREVER and I was only making. . . waaa, waaa, waaa. I could get a big fat head and start calculating just how much I could earn if I would just keep cranking them out. My accountant could have a heart attack. (Actually, he doesn’t know or care. I just said that to appear as if I have a team of people monitoring my large and prosperous business. tee hee hee.) So, I calculate my prices based on the size of the piece rather than by the hour. This makes it much easier on the customers, who then know what to expect. Sometimes I make a ton of money per hour, and other times it would make you (or my accountant) weep. Usually it just averages out. Some people say “Wow, that’s a lot of money!” Other people say, “Why don’t you raise your prices? You aren’t charging enough!” (Often those are other artists, ones who have a “real” job on the side and don’t mind toting the same pieces to show after show.) 


Mug Shot, colored pencil, 9×10″, $125 framed


Weird animal week

This week was about animals. First, I had to bury Jones. Meanwhile, I have been taking care of the neighbor’s dogs. This is a stretch for me, because, as you may have guessed, I am a Cat Person (with a borderline Cat Disorder). The dogs are 2 beagles and a very old dachshund.  The dogs are missing their people in a large way, despite the fact that I am over there 3-10 times a day! So the dachshund has decided she wants to hang out with me at my address. I look down below my easel and there’s Bugsy.


 I hear some serious cat growlings behind me, and there’s Bugsy.


 Zeke keeps saying, “Person, it is LOOKING at me! Make it stop!” 

 I go to the studio to get some stuff, look out the door, and there’s Bugsy.


Perkins is fairly tolerant considering he lost his buddy this week  – no growling, just a stare-down. 

I head back to the house for something, look out the front door, and there’s Bugsy.


 I’m just trying to get a little work done here, and there is all this disturbance. Bugsy’s nails click when she waddles, she slobbers, she clicks when she breathes, and she is upsetting my cats. However, I did get a little work done before it was time to run back to the neighbor’s place and change the sprinklers again.


Three 6×6 paintings were begun and completed. In light of the week’s upsetting events, I returned to my favorite flower for comfort.

 p.s. My husband killed rattlesnake in the lawn next to the sidewalk that leads from the house out to the studio. Stop with the animals already!

Painting instead of burying a cat

Today I painted. This is Evolution Lake, as photographed by my old friend (since 3rd grade? 5th grade? can’t remember) Ken. He is a maniac hiker, an animal who goes by the nickname of “Moose”. (I’d be more inclined to call him “Cheetah”!) He hikes for a good cause, a camp for handicapped children called Camp SOCK, which is an acronym for Southern Oregon Camp Kiwanis – www.campsock.org is their site. I think Ken hikes for beauty, exercise, escape and Tremendous Physical Challenge. I can agree with the first 3, but as to the last one? Deep inside of me is a fat lazy sedentary girl who is always screaming to be left alone! She wants to be fed dark chocolate, but today I consoled myself about Jones with some new yarn.  (better for the economy and for my arse)


Evolution Lake, 11×14, oil, $154, wrapped canvas  SOLD



Today I came home from photographing a house for a new drawing. Jones was on the porch, as usual. I said, “Jones, don’t lie that way. You look dead!” She was.  Zeke just looked over at her body and had lunch.  I went into the house to put my things down and  realized I needed a friend, because I am just a big baby.   S came over and brought Ralph with her. They are so kind.  They found no signs of injury, so they loaded her into a box, and I am now trying to get a hole dug in the DG (or whatever the heck this hard excuse for soil is) so I can properly lay her to rest.  Jones was a dropped off cat who came to us about 8 years ago. She had pretty coloring, a brown tabby with clear green eyes and very soft fur. I used to tell her that she was made up of the leftover scraps from the Kitty Factory. Her legs and tail were short, and her eyes were too big for her face. She squeaked rather than meowed, and she always let me know exactly what she wanted. “Let me in”, “let me out”, “Perkins wants to come in”, “the food bowl is empty”. . . she was very clear.  Each time we got a new kitten (she watched 5 new cats come into her space), she was outraged. If the new cat got too close, not only did she hiss and growl, she actually snorted! Not real ladylike, but she had a point to make. She was preceded in death Wilson, Scout, Prudence and Amos, but is survived by Zeke and Perkins. I got tired of her barfing, and I didn’t always like her, but I loved Jones and I will miss her. So will Perkins, but Zeke will just have dinner.


 Perkins and Jones looked out for one another. Zeke looks out for his bowl.

Angels in the Wilderness

Today I had the privilege of hearing author Amy Racina speak about her 4 days of survival alone with 2 broken legs in a remote part of the Sierra. I used to be a backpacker and was always taught to NEVER NEVER NEVER go backpacking alone (not that I wanted to!) Amy is far more adventurous (reckless?), brave (foolish?) and strong (incredibly!) than I have ever been, and her survival story is remarkable, using extraordinary physical strength, rational thought and mental determination. She is a captivating speaker, and when she told of seeing someone after 4 days of dragging herself along, it brought tears to my eyes.  I bought a copy of her book, Angels in the Wilderness. I hope I can put it down sometime before midnight tonight! http://www.angelsinthewilderness.com/ 

Paint ’til you faint?

Nope, I’m not going to faint, but hoo-eeee, it is hot! Here are all the pieces I worked on yesterday – I love to paint! 😎 Of course, it helps to go get wet in the neighbor’s pool. . . thanks, Robin!


The bridge is slowly becoming a good painting (I love this bridge and have drawn and painted it many times). I began a new one from a friend’s great photo of Evolution Lake (K, does this look familiar?). The pumpkins are finished, but the basket they are in could possibly cause a case of hives. And, just because I miss them, there is another poppy. There is one other piece that is too shy to meet you just yet (its back is to you – please forgive its bad manners). Here are the completed lemons (loved loved loved doing these!):

 Okay, never mind. WordPress has changed something and it won’t show the close photos of the lemons! More will be revealed (unless I faint from heat)