I have been dinking around on a painting that supposedly was finished several months ago. This is before:
And here is after: (the color differences are due to my photographic ignorance)
It is representational of the inner war each time I paint. In my head is a cacophony of voices saying “looser, stop drawing with your paintbrush, just concentrate on color and value”. And then there is a clear voice of my own experience that says “make it right and include almost everything; treat your paintbrush as an extension of your hand and eye; paint like you draw because is is who you are”. Authenticity is always my goal in almost every thing I say and do. So why am I trying to discern voices from the cacophony? Look at that word: it has the word “phony” in it!!! Aha! There’s my answer!
Now I need to add some more detail to the trees in the foreground AND the pasture in the middle ground! Will I ever finish. . .? More will be revealed!