NEWS FLASH – just received an email stating the gates are unlocked TODAY!
This week, probably on Friday, but maybe on Thursday (this is the government we are talking about here), the gates to Mineral King will open. A major source of inspiration for this California artist, that’s Mineral King!
Welcome back, people. Did you bring any new car parts for us?
I was there on May 20, and this is how it looked. Not much snow, not much water. Lots of green.
I love this view. It doesn’t seem like a strong enough composition for painting, but I find it very compelling, every single year. I photograph it every single year. Doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results? Nope, just thinking that one day I will say “AHA! If I just move this tree a bit, or that log, or change the contrast or some other who knows what, then this will make a great painting”.
Nevuh, nevuh, nevuh give up.