Day Five on the Mural

What a nice day!  The sun hitting me wasn’t a huge problem so I painted until it hit my palette at almost 2:30. Wow, good thing, because today I moved into the fiddly stuff – lots and lots of rocks. See?


There were lots of visitors today and I snuck photos of a few of them.


Monica and Inda found all 12 items in my other mural.


Louise and Katie showed me how folks will appear to be at Franklin Lake when the mural is finished. Hmmm, guess photographers will have to cut folks off at the knees for a realistic effect.


Claudia from Fresno brought Kristianna from Germany!img_3967.jpg

But Wait! There’s More! Looks like the projection difficulty will be turned into another sepia snapshot! More will be revealed. . .

Day Four on the Mural

Today felt like summer, but it was still manageable in the shade which lasts on the wall until 1 p.m. It is quite nice at 6:30 a.m.! The light isn’t good on the mural at that time or I’d photograph it for you all. It is certainly quieter at that time of morning – I had forgotten how noisy a city is! If I’m not paying attention and the noon whistle blows, it could knock me right off that lift. All conversation ceases, and hands get clapped over ears all throughout the alley when that thing goes. Anyway, have a look at today’s work:


I realized that there wasn’t going to be enough space between the bottom of the mountain shadow and the lake, so the mountains got remodeled today. You might not be able to tell the difference, but this is definitely an improvement.


When I start each morning, I don’t always have a clear idea of what needs to be done next. Today’s first task was to scoot the tree to the left to fill the space a little better. (The space  is from my inaccurate projection) Then I drew in the top of the lake and that’s when the proportion problem became apparent to me. Shoot. Oh well, it was an easy fix.


Then, these 2 guys showed up and started talking about skiing in Mineral King and used my old mural to reference various bowls and ridges.



When that one guy finally moved his old Toyota pickup, I was able to finish taping off the snapshots and put a base coat in. (Just kidding, Honey! I LOVE your old truck – it has been very good to us with the help of Foreign Auto Works)

Day Two on the Mural


The mountains are being formed from the top to the bottom (which is the same as from the back to the front) and from left to right.  Notice the wall’s shadow – that is around 1:30 and it is too hot to paint the minute the sun hits that lift (and instantly dries my palette.) Love that handy little electric lift! Today Michael stopped by and showed me a few operating tricks; in addition, the lift owners removed the head-banger and extended the platform. Yea! Michael signed the projection list too:



Day One on the Mural, continued

I loaded the most pertinent supplies onto the lift, remembered how to turn it on and drive it, got it into position and couldn’t figure out how to raise it up. I was so desperate that I actually referred to the useless manual. It should have had a simple sentence reading “Move the  yellow toggle switch to the left and use the same control that drives the machine to raise and lower it”. It didn’t say that. I called Keith and he talked me through. When I got as high as I needed to be, I began the sky. It took about 3 hours to cover it and here are the results:


It needs to be a lighter color and the mountains need to be raised. So, I got the new mountain level drawn on:


After that, the lift stopped lifting, so I moved to a lower section and began scribbling. Since painting is supposed to happen from back to front, this is out of order and will have to simply serve as a base coat.


img_3888.jpg Next, I went home to mix some colors – new sky, 2 shades of mountain and dirt.

Day One on the Mural

In life, I am pretty good at about 2 things (drawing and teaching drawing), pretty average at most things, and really bad at 2 things for sure: team sports and morning. Today, I got up at 5, left at 6, and was at the mural site at 6:30. 6:30 is a reasonable time; it is the preceding hour and 1/2 that really bite. When I got to the site I was greeted by this little guy:


Back in the early ’80s, my friend Stacy got a new Taurus, and we used to joke about all the push-button devices being like an electric wheelchair. (At the time I had a stick shift with crank windows and without a/c.)  This electric lift is like the Taurus compared to the scaffolding I used last time!


I was also greeted by this list of names, a happy reminder of all the help I had on Thursday night. (but Michael forgot to sign!)

The wall looked like this with all the outlines:


You can see it didn’t fit all that well – there is extra space on either end. (Maybe projecting murals should get added to my list of team sports and morning.)


Okay, I am way too sleepy to continue this posting. Guess I’ll have to show you the morning’s work tomorrow. And no, I’m not going to take a nap because there is NO WAY I’m going to experience morning twice in one day!


Warming Up for The Mural

The paint and supplies had to be gathered to begin painting the new mural. As I was going through them, an overwhelming desire to begin came over me. Since it was afternoon and too hot at the mural site and besides, it was Sunday, and Exeter is 25 miles away, what was I supposed to do?? Paint another mural at home, that’s what!


This is the Eagle/Mosquito trailhead in Mineral King as it looks in August.

Projecting the Project!

Thursday, June 3 was the date of projecting the latest Exeter mural onto the wall. Wow, was that ever a project! (Isn’t that an odd word in its various meanings?) There was a nice group of people there to celebrate Bill Sario’s birthday and that of his grandson. Bill fixed wonderful sandwiches for everyone, and Betsy baked a fabulous cake. There were a few local dignitaries and sponsors of the first Mineral King mural present, along with the mural team,  other friends and interested folks.



I had to have a brief lift-operating lesson, and then it was (wisely) decided that my personal practice time should happen later. Keith became the lift operator for the big job ahead, which was that of aligning and tracing 16 (yes, SIXTEEN) transparencies. There must be a better way to do this! Ed Kesterson suggested a method using a laptop that was way over my equipment and experience level. (If I get another opportunity to do a huge mural, I will call him for help!) There are so many variables using an overhead projector – it has to be centered vertically and horizontally and MUST be perfectly parallel to the wall. The math needs to be accurate so there isn’t either too much mural or too much wall. Since I knew there wasn’t much chance of the math being accurate, we began toward the center and worked outward. This allowed there to be minimal slop on either end instead of a spare 10 feet (last mural had about 20 extra feet to contend with!) Larry Lee (of Larry Lee Photography) was present with his years of wisdom and helped tremendously with the calculations. He directed the order of slide projection and told me the parts most crucial to accuracy and success. Then, the fun began! First we did the 8 top transparencies, measuring and marking critical points. This was mostly done from ladders, and there are so many photos that I will keep them small so you can enlarge them if you choose.


Paul of the Exeter Sun-Gazette placed the first mark. img_3794.jpgMickey is right-handed and Michael is left-handed  – a perfect team!img_3797.jpgMichael was awesome in his focus and bravery on a rickety antique ladder.img_3798.jpgSamantha, a brand new engineer, is one of my most cherished former drawing students. We bonded initially over our Cat Disorders.img_3800.jpgNice group of folks here, included the soon to be born Otis/Emily.img_3807.jpgBetsy was a real trooper as always, and stuck with us until the end at 10:15 p.m.img_3809.jpg 

The Oak Grove Bridge


Every time I paint this bridge, it sells. Obviously I am not alone in my obsession with it!  This is from photos provided by my dear friend Marilyn, taken when the redbud was in bloom. This is the first time I have painted it in a horizontal format. This is the largest I have painted it (18 x24″).  My plan is to finish it for the Creative Center show (June 24-August 21, 2011).