Same playlist as before. Same poor singing (on my part). Same kind of day racing by*. New paintings.
I was feeling kind of proud of this one until two different people who saw it asked if it was wildfire.
I hate HATE HATE wildfire. (Am I being unclear here?)
After studying it, I added some blue to the bottom of the sunset-colored clouds and subdued the clouds a bit.
I relayered the distant hills, relayered the greenery, and then started all those rocks.
This will look better when you see it in person. It is intended for a show in 2024, so I may relayer everything several more times.
Then I painted some oranges for Exeter’s Mural Gallery.
Finally, I began a painting of my friend Ed’s buffalo herd in Missour-uh, as he pronounces his state. This one is for a show at CACHE in October, as is the painting of the three cattle you saw last week.
I wonder if rock music would cause me to paint faster?
Nah. Probably not a good idea to listen to things that I find irritating. (But I do love LIttle River Band—has anyone borrowed my CD and not returned it? —and like Toto, Kansas [or maybe it was Boston] and Don Henley.)
*How can all those sad country songs make me feel so happy? Because the music is wonderful!