One morning this week as I set up to paint, I looked at several of the paintings that I formerly thought were finished. They looked sort of empty.
Nice, but something is missing.
Why did I think the tree was unnecessary? I begin painting all conifer trees with a vertical line to locate them and to build the foliage in an upright pattern.
‘Twas empty, now better.
These next two look almost the same. I used the same photo, but one is 8×8″ and the other is 6×6″. I don’t have enough skill to do two identical paintings, only two that are very similar. Are you shocked?
When I show paintings in progress on my blog, they don’t cause people to comment. Comments are fun for a blogger, show that people are reading and care enough to say something, and provide a way for a bit of interaction. When I talk about places I walk or hike and show photos, the comments come in more often.
Funny how that works – it is more enjoyable for my readers to see where I walk and what I see than to watch paint dry.
So, today there will be a little bit of drying paint, and a little bit of scenery.
2 in progress
3 drying
Since switching to Spectrum, there is no longer a telephone in the painting workshop (or in my studio, but that is a very long, annoying and boring tale). So maybe it is time to erase the phone #s on the chalkboard. But this is long and boring and annoying, and I’ve promised you other photos.
The top of Blossom Peak as seen from a friend’s driveway. I want to go there but don’t know a good route. Besides, I have waited a bit too long. The grasses are tall so they hide the footing, and the snakes might be out. Next January, perhaps?
The 2 left points of Blossom. It has 3 parts as you can see in the next photo.
Like the power lines? Phone lines? Whatevs, the point is to see the 3 points.
Looking upstream on the Middle Fork of the Kaweah River.
Looking downstream from the same bridge.
Just loving the green with the fiddlenecks and popcorn flowers.
That was just a regular Three Rivers walk on a popular road for walkers. A friend who lives below Blossom Peak had neck surgery and has to walk a certain distance each day in a flat place. She got tired of circling her house, so I brought her to a flat place near my house to get in her steps. The pace was much slower than my regular morning walks, the light was much brighter, and it made everything look even prettier than normal.
There. Aren’t you glad you made it through the paint drying session?
Here are a few of the most recently completed oil paintings, mostly of Mineral King subjects. They are all oil on wrapped canvas, ready to hang without a frame, and the price doesn’t include sales tax. Each one is now listed on my oil painting page.
Oak Grove Bridge XVII, 6×18″, $150
Alpenglow on Alta, 6×18″, $150.
Eagle Lake I, 6×18″, $150 (This isn’t the first time I’ve painted Eagle Lake, but it is the first time this year.)
Juniper I, 8×10″, $125 (Not the first time I’ve painted this juniper, just the first time this year.)
Honeymoon Cabin I, 8×8″, $100 Not the first time I’ve painted the Honeymoon Cabin, just the first time this year. (Is there an echo in this room??)
I recently read O Pioneers by Willa Cather. Can you tell by the title of this post? I’m glad I finally read it, enjoyed it, but wouldn’t gush about it to others or call it a “must read”.
With all the spring beauty, it is a little bit hard to keep my feet planted in front of the easel, but I press onward. Currently I’m listening for the second time to The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg while I paint, and that helps keep me working. (Very good book)
The trees in the foreground look as if a fire has gone through the neighborhood, so I added detail.
These are all finished. Trail Guy still thought the top painting of Alta Alpenglow looked fire-ravaged, so I added more fuzzy things to resemble some foliage. Probably just looks like mistletoe now.
These are also finished. That makes 16 of 32 finished, mostly Mineral King oil paintings, halfway through my stack (in case you didn’t want to do the math).
I like this – Trail Guy and Young Trail Girl, releasing a fish back into the stream.
So very tiny. . . I’ll need to work on it further, if the 2-hair brush and my magnifying glasses hold up.
This is a relief after the tee-niny-eensy people.
None of these are finished, but they are close. Maybe I’ll be faster on my next painting day so that my mean painting boss will let me go outside.
In looking through my photos to choose new Mineral King subjects (or new approaches to old subjects), I kept going back to a photo of some fisherpeople in the stream. Finally I decided to narrow it down to the parts that matter and try it on a vertical 6×18″ canvas.
You can see the first pass within this jumble of paintings in their embryonic stage.
Top down is the same as back to front in this painting. This works out well for me, since I “draw” with my paintbrush, often resting my hand on the painting. Many painters use a “mahl stick” to rest their hands on, but I paint too small for this to be of any help. Besides, I don’t like extra stuff, gear, tools, things. The more stuff I own, the more stuff breaks and gets lost and fills up my brain and life.
Slowly crawling down the canvas.
After all those greens, it is fun to put in blue for the stream.
This is as far as I can go until things dry. I’m unsure about the fisherpeople. The largest one is about 1/16″ high on the photo and appears to be riding a bike. That can’t be right. So I will probably look through my photos and see if there is one of Trail Guy or Trail Girl (I haven’t told you about her) that would be better. Trail Guy used to take Trail Girl fishing so she could hold the fish and talk to them before she released them. She is grown up now and we miss her something fierce, but she has a real job and doesn’t live in her parents’ basement. That’s good, I guess.
This represents a typical day at the easels for me, working on a few paintings, hanging out with my cats, taking a break to go see the river from the Dinely Bridge which crosses the middle fork of the Kaweah River here in Three Rivers.
I tightened up some details and began working on the Oak Grove bridge on the 6×18″ painting.
Then I switched to the other Oak Grove bridge painting.
Scout may be contemplating impending motherhood. Look at the pretty orange stripe that runs down from her eye. It will be fun to see what her babies look like.
Upstream view of the Kaweah River during a string of storms.
Downstream view. I love this kind of lighting – dark sky, bright sun, clarity.
This is a memorial bouquet which gets changed regularly on the Dinely Bridge: flowering quince, daffodils and rosemary approximate the three primary colors.
My favorite thing to draw and paint is the Oak Grove Bridge, 6.5 miles up the Mineral King Road. I think a bridge is the most perfect blend of architecture and scenery. It is sort of a cliche, but so what?
This is 10×10″. The color is weird because I photographed it after dark.
This is closer to the truth, although I do tend to exaggerate colors in my oil paintings.
This is as far as I went on the bridge painting day. Maybe the phone rang, or it was time for lunch.
Scout and Tucker weren’t too interested in the details but liked hanging out on the window sill shelf behind me. Samson would have been chasing my paintbrushes or biting my ankles. This pair came from the same place, but have entirely different approaches to life than their cousin/brother/uncle/who knows.
This 6×18″ painting is an entirely new approach to painting the bridge.
The background shrubbery was the obvious next step since all the colors were ready to go on the palette from the previous bridge painting.
That long green “fairway” on the left is probably the bank leading down to the road.
This is as far as I can go until everything dries. Then, the bridge itself will get painted.
I made up the rocks beneath, which one might think I would have memorized by now. Closies count on this. Ditto with the growies (since I am talking in weird abbreviated words). It will prolly take a week or so for these to be dry enough to continue.
Memorial service for The Cowboy Bert Raymond Weldon, May 21, 1956 — January 8, 2019 CELEBRATION OF LIFE AND RECEPTION Friday, March 15, 2019, 11:00 a.m. CrossCity Christian Church, 2777 E. Nees Avenue, Fresno, California 93720
Isn’t that an odd title? One day last week my walking buddy and I decided to drive to a new place and walk a trail instead of heading out at dark-thirty with flashlights and walking a road. This meant that I only had a half day to paint. So, hubba hubba hubba, let’s git ‘er dun. The plan was to get the last 9 paintings covered with the basics in colors and shapes, not to detail anything. In other words, to do a job, not a good job.
2 alike, an 8×8″ and a 6×6″. This is the most popular Mineral King oil painting subject.
Another pair of look-alikes.
Five more makes nine. Now what shall I work on?
I climbed up on a ladder to get a view of a table full of paintings in progress. There are 20 here. You’re welcome (I know you were wondering whether or not to take the time to count these.)
While on the ladder, I looked out the door at my irises in bloom.
Before deciding what to work on next, I took another census. With these, I’m up to 28 paintings.
But wait! There are 5 more, for a total of 33. When I said there are 32 in progress, I was ignoring the citrus.
This one! I’ll do this one next. I might be a teensie bit bored with painting greens.
After photographing a painting, I can see the things that aren’t quite right. Why are those things more visible on a computer screen than in person? What is more important than matching the photo is deciding if the painting can stand alone.
And as a reward for being so productive, I chose to work on my favorite bridge. The colors are weird in the painting because it was actually dark outside when I took the photo, so the camera was confused.
Phew. That was a sprint. And after walking 6 miles in the morning. . . I’ll show you our walk tomorrow.
P.S. The promised update on a memorial service for The Cowboy Bert Raymond Weldon, May 21, 1956 — January 8, 2019 CELEBRATION OF LIFE AND RECEPTION Friday, March 15, 2019, 11:00 a.m. CrossCity Christian Church, 2777 E. Nees Avenue, Fresno, California 93720
My assembly line method of painting the Honeymoon Cabin in Mineral King was a challenge in several ways. Breaks to look at flowers helped. Maybe March is my favorite month.
This was fun because of the pink and purple, two rare colors in my landscapes of Mineral King.
Can you see the changes from the previous photo?
Flower break!
These now need to wait to dry so I can put in the flags and some wildflowers.
Time to work on these three little ones again.
Another flower break!
All five oil paintings of the Honeymoon Cabin in Mineral King are now drying so they’ll be ready for flags and wildflowers.
Final flower break! All day I wondered what smelled a little different, and when I crouched down to photograph these flowers just outside the door, I had my answer.
No motivational quotes today, just some paintings in progress.
A little more detailing, a signature, and BaddaBing, BaddaBoom. (Cowboy Bert used to say that when he meant a thing was finished.)
Maybe these roosters could be named BaddaBing and Badda Boom.
Tucker had a few days of being under the weather and off his feed. (Any more cliches to describe this?) He’s back to normal except a bit more tired than usual.
Scout’s ready for anything.
Meanwhile, just outside the door. . .
P.S. Here is the promised info on the memorial service for The Cowboy. Bert Raymond Weldon, May 21, 1956 — January 8, 2019 CELEBRATION OF LIFE AND RECEPTION Friday, March 15, 2019, 11:00 a.m. CrossCity Christian Church, 2777 E. Nees Avenue, Fresno, California 93720