Random is a good word for unrelated items piling up in my head.
- Thank you for visiting my other blog this week. I hope you poked around and discovered things that interested and entertained you a bit while over there.
- Most of my sunflowers escaped the ravages of the voracious deer in the neighborhood.
- The same flower looks different at different times of day. I think there may be 2 paintings in this flower.
- I looked out the living room window and saw this:
- i looked more closely and saw this:
- My herb garden is a source of inspiration and a place of solace:
- I am in need of inspiration and solace these days while we navigate rough waters as a family. Here is a link to a video of my brother-in-law talking about his future: Neighborhood Church Facebook.
Steve made the video around August 1, but I have been taking refuge in drawing and gardening rather than talking about reality. (If you know him, you probably already saw the video.) Thank you to all who have been praying and expressing your kind concern.