Two Drawings, Mine and Someone Else’s


A drawing student brought in a photo she had taken, a challenging choice for a beginner. I tell my students, “Pick something you love, because you will be looking at it for a long time”. She loves this scene and worked very diligently. 

This is the result of her labors, and I think she did a wonderful job! (I removed her name because she didn’t ask to be on the World Wide Web, and I didn’t ask her permission.)

This is how it looks after I’ve photoshopped it for reproduction purposes, in case my student wants to have copies or cards printed.


For about five years, I have been working with a writer on a book about tuberculosis. It began as a local story about the TB hospital in Springville (here in Tulare County). When he started researching, the story grew into a different book, a massive project. Through it I have learned much more than I ever expected about “the white plague”, as opposed to “the black plague” (both of which refer to skin color associated with the disease, not race, so no need to get your knickers in a twist.)

The author came to me initially for some drawings for the Springville book, and upon further discussion, hired me to edit for him. We are finally reaching the end of the main text and are now gathering appropriate illustrations.

He couldn’t find a good photo of Virginia Poe (wife of Edgar), so he asked me to draw her from a rather gruesome photo (or painting?) taken shortly after she assumed room temperature.

Are you properly horrified? This fits with Edgar Allan Poe’s writings, doesn’t it? I haven’t read his work, but I learned plenty about him through the process of assisting with the writing of this book. I’ll stick with modern writers for my fiction.

Meanwhile, I think the background needs a little bit more work.

Okay, all better now. I also remembered to sign the drawing. 



P.S. Adventures in Boy Scouting

The book “blurb” (certainly there must be a better word for this) is the brief summary on the back of a book. Here is what is on the back of Adventures in Boy Scouting: Tales Told by the Old Scoutmaster.

It’s the third weekend of the month. Where did everyone go?

Start reading and find out. Maybe Boy Scout Troop 323 is kayaking of Point Lobos, scuba diving off Big Sur, camping on Case Mountain, or maybe even at Kirks Creek searching for their inner selves in the “seven pools of enlightenment”. You know wherever these intrepid scouts are, another adventure is sure to follow. 

What is so glorious about sleeping on the ground in a sleeping bag during a thunderstorm or a blizzard? You’d have to be there to know, or you can skip the discomfort and read this book to bring the adventure to life.

Do you know this old scoutmaster and newly published author? If you see him, congratulate him, hand him $25, and be the happy owner of the fun new book, Adventures in Boy Scouting: Tales Told by the Old Scoutmaster. 

P.S. Max the dog will be in the back seat of his pickup, along with Jasmine and Violet.

A New Book!

There is another part of my business that I call Cabinart Books.

After I published The Cabins of Wilsonia (2014) and Mineral King Wildflowers: Common Names (2019), I had acquired some skills using Photoshop (for repairing and preparing photographs for publishing), InDesign (for book formatting), along with knowledge of how to get a book printed.

While I was painting some indoor murals in December, my customer told me he was writing a book. I asked a few questions, and when he realized that he didn’t have the necessary skills or a plan, he hired me to be both his editor and book designer.

The book arrived yesterday!

This was a fun project! Bob Kellogg is the most eager person I have ever worked with on a book. We had a conversation about the project in mid December, and now the book is in hand, in mid March.

Bob was a scoutmaster in Three Rivers for 12 years, and the book is a collection of stories about the rambunctious troop’s adventures and shenanigans. If you have been a boy scout, had a boy scout in your family, or like books about local people and places, you will enjoy this book! (Or if you just appreciate fun true stories).

Right now the book is available at the Bookbaby Bookshop, and from Bob ( or from me, $25 includes sales tax.

Old Calendars

In 2012 I made my first calendar. It was an experiment, because a calendar has a short time to sell, and when it is over, a business is stuck with unsellable inventory. The calendar sold well enough, 100 turned out to be the right number, and I have continued making calendars ever since.

When reviewing the calendars, it looks as if they are random. In fact, each calendar represents the previous year’s focus (or obsession). There are photos, paintings, and drawings.

2013 – I didn’t save a picture of either the front or the back, so I don’t know what it was about or what I named it. I ordered about 10 or 20 at a time because I didn’t know how well it would sell. (Obviously I didn’t know much that year.)

2014 Tulare County calendar
2014 – Back when I only had about 15,000 photos, I was able to go through and select 12 for this calendar without too much trouble. But what did the front look like?
2015’s calendar was my best oil paintings that were horizontal and of Tulare County subjects. I called it “Beautiful Tulare County”. Again I ask, “What did the front look like?”
2016’s calendar was pencil drawings of Tulare County (of course) cabins–Wilsonia, Mineral King, Camp Nelson. Why didn’t I save a picture of the backside??
2017 front – the calendar was a blend of drawings and paintings.
2017 calendar back “The Bridges of Tulare County”
2018 was Flowing Water, because in 2017 we had a most welcome wet winter and the flowing water was to be celebrated.
2019 – was very fun because I got to draw 11 new pictures and figure out ways to incorporate color.

2019 still has many of the original drawings available. Want any? None are framed. All are 11×14″ or 9×12″. You can make an offer. If it is too low, I will not take offense but might counter-offer. (Normally those sizes sell for $200-275 before tax).

What will the calendar for 2020 be?

Mineral King Wildflowers!

Of course it is about Mineral King wildflowers, my current obsession. It is in progress, so you will have to restrain yourselves until it is for sale.

This year it will be $15 if ordered by October 1, and $20 if ordered afterward.

New Mineral King Wildflowers!

Mineral King Wildflowers: Common Names was published in March of 2019. Now in July of 2019, I am finding so many new wildflowers in Mineral King that I am just flummoxed. Flummoxed, I say! (Not sure what this means exactly, but it feels like the right word for my troubled state of mind.)

What is this yellow??
What is this white? Looks like Knotweed, but it’s in the wrong place.
HEY! Who are you? Sort of looks like the yellow Violet, but the leaves are wrong.
Is this a flower or is it just greenish-yellow leaves?
Looks like Naked Buckwheat, but it is too early and too white.
No idea. Maybe when it is in full bloom I will be able to find it in one of the flower books.
This low-growing yellow reminds me of goathead, the most wicked thorn in the Central Valley.
This is a flowering shrub at the Cold Springs Campground. I saw it last year while working on the book and just ignored it.

There are just too many for one post. To be continued tomorrow.

100 page paperback, flowers in photos, common names only, lots of chatty commentary, $20 including tax.
Available here
Also available at the Three Rivers Historical Museum, Silver City Store, from me if I put them in my car, or Amazon.

On Naming Flowers

Morning Glory

Why does it matter what a flower’s name is? Why do I want to know? Why did it matter enough to me to spend 2 years chasing, photographing, writing, designing, and ultimately publishing Mineral King Wildflowers: Common Names?

My first answer to that question is “inquiring minds need to know”.

My second answer (borrowed from a friend who said this to me once), “Well, of course it is important! Look at the first job ever given to the first human being!” (Yes, she spoke with exclamation points.)

My third and fourth answers are taken from a podcast I listened to recently. Someone was being interviewed about learning the names of the trees and frogs that she saw and heard every day. She said this (paraphrased by me): “Learning a name takes you from being an observer to being a participant.”

She also said, “Learning names makes you care more”.

If you bought a book or are thinking about it, what is your why?

100 page paperback, flowers in photos, common names only, lots of chatty commentary, $20, available here, Silver City Resort, Three Rivers History Museum, and from me or Trail Guy around town.
All 3 grays together – KitCarson, Georgia, and Undecided (because I am not going to name them so I don’t get attached. Hahaha)

Mineral King Wildflowers Book

Mineral King Wildflowers: Common Names arrived yesterday!

The cover photo is by Jessica Barr. All the interior photos are by me and Trail Guy.

A sample page from the blue and purple chapter
Every chapter has a few flowers at the end without names.

The price is $19.78, which includes sales tax. The odd number is because 1978 is the year that Mineral King became part of Sequoia National Park. If you order from my website, I’ll pay the shipping. If you order from Amazon, they will charge an additional $3.99.

At Home In The Studio

Before I head to the studio, have a look outside.

We had some sort of snowy-like hail stuff. In case you are interested, the fence on the right was built by Trail Guy and The Cowboy, using salvaged boards from a defunct water treatment plant.
You can see the sort of “fence” I build. . . salvaged this and that. And you can see the sort of snowy hail type of stuff.
Scout is happy to have me back in the studio.
She stays pretty busy.
See why she is named Scout?


WHAT’S THIS?? So glad you asked. . . it is the ARC of Mineral King Wildflowers. (ARC means Advanced Reader Copy.) See all the post-it notes? Those mark all the changes needed. I only found a few typos; the rest were adjusting things visually and polishing some wording.

The goal is for this book, Mineral King Wildflowers: Common Names, to be ready at the end of April for a book signing at the Three Rivers Historical Museum. I’ll keep you posted.