Painting What I Want to Paint

The olives were just so you wouldn’t think I am freakishly obsessed with The Oak Grove Bridge.

However, what other people think about me is none of my business.

new bridge in progress

On my list of artistic goals this year is to do a large, fully detailed oil painting, of The Oak Grove Bridge. I’ve been painting it 6×6, 8×8, 8×10, 10×10, and woo-woo, 11×14″ for quite awhile. When I thought about what I F E E L like painting (I try very hard to be rational and business-like in my painting decisions but sometimes I get tired), I realized that it would be very satisfying to do a large and very careful painting of my favorite bridge.

Then I realized that I can. There are no pressing deadlines, no upcoming shows, no studio tour, nothing that requires cranking out lots of small (i.e. inexpensive) paintings to sell at these events.

I’m 56, self-employed, and free to paint what I want.

So there.

Research is an Artist Word for a Field Trip

“Research” is a word that used to bring to mind libraries with stacks of books and the microfiche machine. Now it means Google.

In the case of this Central California artist, it means a field trip.

I drove the 6.5 miles up the Mineral King Road and spent some time walking around the bridge, climbing into areas that I avoid in the summer because I have a healthy fear of rattlesnakes.

Oak Grove Bridge

Lots of rain so far this winter means a decent flow beneath the bridge. I really want to see it if we get a flood-like storm!IMG_2150

Water or root-beer?


It’s difficult to get a photo of it from a straight-on angle. The shrubs and trees keep growing and obstructing the view.


This is the most common angle that I paint.


I’ve never taken this angle before. I think it would be a weird painting.


Sometimes the last support and the abutment visually overlap in my paintings and I get confused by all the shapes.IMG_2172

Might as well take a strange angle of the other side. One never knows what might be helpful.


I think the “T” is for Tulare County. I also needed to see what the detailed shape of this post is, because it is always too small to show in my other paintings. This time, in the 24×30″ painting, it just might matter.

Remember, February 8 at 6 p.m. at the Three Rivers Veterans’ Memorial Building, the Tulare Co. planning commission is holding a meeting about the bridge’s future.


Pick Something You Love

In spite of obsessing about The Oak Grove Bridge, I am capable of painting other subjects.

1566 Olives II 1567 Olives III 1577 Olives VI

After painting 6 little paintings (I CAN count, but thank you for your concern – here are 3 of the 6)  of olives in December, I decided that olives are a pretty subject, worth another painting. This one is larger (8×8″), and I am taking the info from multiple photos.

Incidentally, although olives are grown here in Tulare County, they are not in the top 10 money producing crops. So what? I grew up in a house in an olive grove, and I like them.


I thought it would be easy-peasy to incorporate the best parts of the previous paintings into a new arrangement.

I thought wrong. As I often tell my drawing students:

It is all hard, so pick something you love, because you’ll be staring at it for a very long time.

What I Wrote to Tulare County About The Oak Grove Bridge

This is what I wrote to Tulare County about The Oak Grove Bridge. Notice I am now capitalizing “The” with the name of the bridge. It is growing in importance in my little world.

The email to him may have landed in his spam file because I attached this picture:

Oak Grove Bridge X

Hi Jason,

Tulare County is a little weak on historic landmarks, but we do have the Oak Grove Bridge on the Mineral King Road. When driving that rough, narrow, winding, rural road, it is a wonderful and elegant surprise. It is one of the most beautiful structures in our entire county. 

I am horrified to think that it could be replaced with something new. Please do everything you can to preserve this special bridge and remove the option of tearing it down from your list of possible solutions.

Thank you for your consideration of this request.


Jana Botkin

That sounds reasonable, not hysterical, right? Someone, anyone, please reassure me that everything will be okay!!

P.S. Here is the link if you want the info to send your own email: Bridge

The Oak Grove Bridge Saga Begins

Or perhaps it continues. . .



Oak Grove Bridge XVII

This commissioned oil painting of the Oak Grove Bridge is signed, sealed and delivered.

On Monday, February 8 at 6 p.m., there will be a public meeting at the Three Rivers Memorial Building concerning the future of this bridge. A hearing? Something about the planning commission? Not sure exactly of all the bureaucratic wording, but whatever it is, I will be there. (Lord willing, the Creek, etc.)

In addition, we are invited to send “comments” (does that mean opinions? suggestions? protests?) to a Jason Vivian by February 1. Here is a link to an explanation that includes Jason’s eddress. Click this.

Next week I”ll show you what I wrote.

Meanwhile, I have 2 more bridge paintings to finish.

Still a Central California Artist


Calm yourself, Interviewer. I’ve been thinking, planning, resting, and taking care of stuff.

Stuff? What stuff?

None of your beeswax.

Fine, then tell me if you are still a Central California Artist.

I am. Want to see what I am working on?

Are you working on something?

But of course. I am a Central California Artist, and artists make art.

Let’s see some evidence! Prove it! Show us!

Keep your shirt on, Interviewer. I thought you were going to ask me about my plans, direction, and what I’ve been thinking about.

Nah, just show us some art, Central California Artist.

My Favorite Bridge

This one is 11×14 and is just because I love to paint this bridge.


This one is 8×10 and is just because I love this bridge.


This one is 8×10 and is a commission. It is further along than the other two paintings because someone is waiting for it.

These oil paintings are of the Oak Grove Bridge on the Mineral King Road. It is my favorite bridge, in case you have forgotten. I am currently on a roll of enhancing colors to make things seem a little brighter and prettier than real life. When life feels hard, look at something beautiful because it takes the edge off without any ill effects.


Merry Christmas

merry Christmas


Going silent for awhile – May you enjoy the blessings of the season, dear Readers.

2015 Cabin Calendars for Sale

There are still a few of the 2016 calendars, “The Cabins of Tulare County” for sale. This calendar is a collection of pencil drawings of cabins in Tulare County. (Captain Obvious speaks again.) It is heavy on Wilsonia, followed by Mineral King, and there is one token Camp Nelson. These drawings are gathered from the book The Cabins of Wilsonia, and various commissioned drawings I’ve done in the past year or two.

Have a look at the unidentified months. I didn’t attempt to find seasonal pictures, other than a snowy cabin in December. Cabins, for the most part, are summer homes.

2016 calendar drawings

The calendars are $15 each, including sales tax. If you send me a check in the mail or money using Paypal, AND YOU GIVE ME YOUR ADDRESS (excuse me for shouting – someone ordered via Paypal and didn’t give me her address or answer my email – how is she going to get her calendar??), then I will get your calendar to you and pay the mailing costs. (in the USA only)


My Favorite Bridge

I have a favorite bridge. I love to draw and paint architecture, and the bridge over the East Fork of the Kaweah River (on the Mineral King Road) is one of the most beautiful architectural structures in Tulare County.

Currently it is in jeopardy with 4 alternatives for repairing or replacing it.

I don’t want to think about it. Instead, with my fingers firmly placed in my ears while shouting “LALALALALALA”, I continue to paint it.

3 in progress

First, I drew it on the canvas. Can you see it on the white canvas here?


new ogb @1

Next, I put a light wash on many of the areas. I ran out of time (November is my busiest month and I squoze in as much painting in little sessions as possible) so not everything is covered.

new ogb #2

Next, I began painting with strong colors and thick paint. Why strong colors and thick paint? Because I feel strongly about the bridge and think those who want to replace it are thick.

So there.

Around here, we call it The Oak Grove Bridge. I don’t know what those who want to replace it call it. I call those people “them”. Or “Them”.

This is an 11×14 oil painting on wrapped canvas. The edges will be painted so it won’t need a frame.

Sigh. Trying to be brave here.


Here is a short list of things for which I am thankful today.


Rain that is turning the hillsides to green!


A strong healthy husband who can replace our roof.


A group of women friends who packed 84 Operation Christmas Shoebox boxes to share with children around the world.


Snow on Alta Peak.


A friend to help on the roof, and a new roof!


Fantastic fall color, suddenly and everywhere.