Art: Inspired By Mineral King

Farewell Gap, a pencil drawing, will be available as a framed original for $400 and in card sets.

After 7-8 months of painting toward a show about Mineral King and (almost) in Mineral King, it is tomorrow!

Is it considered shouting to use bold type? Or is that only for capital letters? I’ve always always always considered italics to be whispering, so maybe this paragraph will be more soothing to your ears.

Four artists with cabins in the Mineral King area will be showing and selling our work on the deck of the Silver City Store tomorrow, June 30, 10 AM until 3 PM.

The Silver City Store is 21 miles up the Mineral King Road. It is a long way there, a long and winding road, and it is well worth the effort it takes to get there. The store is at about 6700′ in elevation, and it is no longer called “The Store” but now is “The Silver City Resort”. The store itself has been remodeled into a new rustic elegant interior; the artists will be on the spacious outdoor deck.

Linda Hengst, Joan Keesey, John Keesey and I will be there. Linda paints in acrylic (or is it oil? Hard for me to tell the difference), Joan does tight realistic botanicals in watercolors, and John does whimsical playful watercolors of somewhat stylized scenery of the area. Linda’s work makes you say “Ahhhh”, Joan’s work makes you say, “Ooooh”, and John’s work makes you smile. My work? Um, let’s see. . . “How much for this one?” 

I am taking 23 oil paintings (some of which I have shown you on this blog), 5 pencil drawings (all of which you have seen on this blog), Mineral King cards (old and new designs), a few reproductions of pencil drawings (also of Mineral King, duh) and some copies of my book The Cabins of Wilsonia(The Cabins of Where? Yes, they have been requested.)

Let’s roll! See you tomorrow??

Art: Inspired byMineral King

Show and Sale

FOUR ARTISTS: Jana Botkin, Linda Hengst, Joan and John Keesey

SILVER CITY RESORT, 21 miles up the Mineral King Road

Saturday, June 30, 2018

10 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Honeymoon Cabin #33, 6×18″, $160 inc. tax. (I like this one so much that if I saw it in a gallery, I’d probably buy it.)

What Are You Doing??

Happy Birthday, Deanne!!

What is Scout doing??

“What are you doing?” is a question directed to me, not to you. Some days I don’t know what to do. It results in talking to myself, occasionally in an audible voice. This isn’t because there isn’t anything pressing; it is because I can’t figure out how to prioritize. 

What would you do first? What am I doing??

  1. Begin painting the oil commission of Homer’s Nose with the Oak Grove Bridge
  2. Work on the oil painting of the South Fork of the Kaweah
  3. Begin a pencil commission that is too hard for me
  4. Work on the 2019 calendar drawings
  5. Package up note cards and reproduction prints for the upcoming show at Silver City (just below Mineral King) on June 30 called Art: Inspired by Mineral King
  6. Work on my bookkeeping to be ready to pay quarterly sales tax
  7. Work on “populating” my web site renovation
  8. Scan a drawing for a student and do the photoshop prep
  9. Photograph a completed painting and do all the computery things necessary to make it good for the website

Sometimes the business of art is just a quagmire of decision making. There is some study somewhere out there in some book that explains “decision fatigue”, how the more decisions we have to make in a day causes us to be less able to make good decisions. 

When I am figuring out what to work on next, I factor in weather (is it too hot in the painting workshop room?), deadlines (what is coming up next?) and finances (what activity will generate income when it is finished?).

#1 will generate income; #2 is just a speculation painting; #3 will generate income; #4 has an October deadline; #5 has a June 30 deadline; #6 has a deadline that I have forgotten about and ignore until an email reminder comes; #7 has been dragging along since January, my blog subscription button is gone, there are paintings listed for sale that have already sold and new paintings and cards that aren’t listed. Finally, #8 and #9 are just meh.

What did I decide to do?

Come back tomorrow and I’ll tell you.

Today’s painting for sale:

Never mind. Can’t decide. Decision fatigue, you know. . .?

Instruct Me, Please

Thirty-three years ago some friends and I tried rock climbing, that rappelling thing with ropes and harnesses. My friend was suspended over space and she looked up at the guy (with barely contained fear) who was supposedly teaching us and said quite calmly, “Instruct me, please!”

Today I want to instruct you a bit about subscribing to my blog, except I can’t!

News Flash: at 7:36 a.m. the Blog Subscription button reappeared! You may now subscribe (or resubscribe) to the blog!

For some reason, the dealio to subscribe to the blog has vanished. This means that you can no longer subscribe to the blog, until and unless I figure out what went wrong. You know that the word “update” is a euphemism for “complication”, yes? Well, something got “updated”, and in the process, the blog subscription dealio went away.

All I know to do is to advise you to go to the World Wide Web (might be Safari, might be Chrome–I hope you know what it is on your own computer or device), look up my website, and when you get to, then click on the word blog in the menu bar at the top.

All I wanted was to draw, paint, tell you about it, and sell some art. But, my life got updated.

So, to make up for my ignorance, confusion, chaos, and general ambiguity, please enjoy a picture of quiet and calm, something that I could use right about now.

A Quiet Place, colored pencil, sold


Further Figuring Out

This is Chapter Two in the story of figuring out how to design one commissioned oil painting of two different Tulare County landmarks. As a Tulare County artist, I am pleased to have been chosen for the task.

The customer requested a different view of Homer’s Nose, and I have 5 photos from that point of view. This is the one we selected:

Homer’s Nose, from the Yokohl curve on Highway 198

She also requested a view of the Oak Grove bridge with more visible rocks (i.e. less water). If you have followed this blog or my art for very long, you know that the Oak Grove bridge is my favorite thing to draw and paint, even when it is a little bit too hard. So, I have plenty of photos to choose from for this very specific request:

Oak Grove Bridge photo by me from the same point of view, lower water so rocks more visible.

I know Spice Bush, but never heard of Mock Orange. Good thing I have friends with great photos who know far more than I do about many things.

Mock Orange, from a friend’s photo, flipped.

And a photo I have of Spice Bush, but will probably take more because it is in bloom right now and is beautiful.

Spice bush bloom

With all these visual aids, I drew this:

Sketch #2

What will my customer say in response to this second sketch? More will be revealed in the fullness of time. . . Tune in tomorrow, same Bat Time, same Bat Channel.

And here are today’s paintings, both commissioned pieces of Homer’s Nose, painted in 2014, each one 6×6″.

Homer’s Nose, oil on canvas, 6×6″, private collection
Homer’s Nose, oil on canvas, 6×6″, private collection

Fairly Goalless

Is “goalless” a word? 

I do set goals – finish X number of paintings, get website redesigned, finish drawings for the next calendar, etc.

But I don’t set big sweeping overarching business goals, or as one of those motivational speakers says, “BHAGs”, which stands for Big Hairy Audacious Goals.

And many of us have heard the acronym SMART for goals, which means goals have to be Specific, Measurable, and 3 other things that I never remember.

In thinking about goals for my art business, all I could come up with is Paint Better And Sell More Paintings.

“Paint Better”? What is this? Better than what? Better than I paint now, but what constitutes better? Tighter and more photorealistic? Looser and flowier? Plein air? Brighter colors? How is this specific or measurable? How is this even attainable when I can’t define “better painting”? 

And “Sell More Paintings”? I can count, and set a higher number, but am I supposed to put them in my little red wagon and pull them around the neighborhood? Must I get a smartphone and join FaceBook? (Have mercy – Please please please don’t make me get a cell phone and join FaceBook!!)

I have no earthly idea how to sell more paintings. If I did, I’d be selling more. 

Goalless suits me for now. 

I wonder what all those motivational speakers would have to say to me . . . probably “Don’t let the door hit you where the good Lord split you”.

I am painting better each time I revisit this oil painting of the Oak Grove Bridge that is too hard for me. I am making up some colors for the background, just experimenting, trying to learn what “better” might look like, outside of my natural bent to just make things look as realistic as possible.

Will it sell? Maybe if I chant to myself while painting, “Paint better, sell more paintings, paint better, sell more paintings…”

Perhaps it is time to listen to music instead of motivational speakers while I paint.

Today’s painting:

Five Poms, 6×18″, $160 with California sales tax


Last Spring Hurrah

That title might be a little bit over the top. May always feels like the end of spring with heat coming and bringing its browns. But my yard has been so beautiful in the early morning light. . . Trail Guy and his power tools, me and my girly pruning and weeding, but mostly God and his palette. . .

I could call these photos a “source of inspiration”, but while they do lift my spirits, I don’t view them as potential painting subjects. The reality of earning a living with art in a small place is that I have to paint what sells. Florals don’t sell for me. Instead, I can study the photos and figure out what makes them special in terms of light, shadow, shapes and color, and maybe apply those things to other subjects.


Redbud Festival This Weekend

My booth at the Redbud Festival 2 years ago.

Ever heard of the Redbud Festival in Three Rivers, California?

WHAT: Annual arts/crafts fair in which 30-50 makers of beautiful things gather to sell their wares. 

WHEN: Saturday, May 12, 10-5 and Sunday, May 13, 10-4

WHERE: Three Rivers Veterans Memorial Building (on Sierra Drive, weird, roundish white building, screaming ’50s-’60s architecture)

WHO: Local and semi-local artists and crafters (both the cute and the highly skilled types of crafters – you decide which is which)

HOW: Just show up. Bring money. Bring a nice attitude. Bring a friend. Bring your Mom.

  1. EXTRA FACT: The redbud tree finished blooming in March. (I just work here.)
  2. EXTRA FACT: I will have 4 of my 5 coloring books because the one on the Parks is SOLD OUT!
  3. EXTRA FACT: There might possibly be a few packages of those new experimental Mineral King cards
  4. EXTRA FACT: I will bring a bunch of paintings not yet seen in public (unless you count this blog as public, which it probably is, since this is the WORLD WIDE WEB)
Professional makers have pop up tents in the parking lot – always great stuff to see and buy!
My booth 3 years ago – nice sunlight coming in the weirdly round building

Easel Time

Have you noticed that the word “easel” is pretty close to the word “easy”?

It’s merely a word illusion. Nothing easy about being at an easel. 

This fact, combined with April as the most beautiful month in Three Rivers, has made it even less easy to plant my feet in front of the easel recently.

But, as I pointed out in the Eight Things I Learned in March blog post, often we must parent ourselves. (“STAY IN YOUR ROOM UNTIL YOU HAVE FINISHED YOUR MATH!”) So, I planted my feet in front of the easel in spite of the distractions.

Wanna see some of the distractions? I know you are interested.

In my backyard
Two brodiaea, Wild Hyacinth and Pretty Face, along with Common Madia
The South Fork of the Kaweah River
Pretty Face
Fairy Lanterns
Another  distraction, AKA Piper

Forget easel time and painting for today’s blog. See you on Monday. . .


More Solds

“Solds”? Is this really a noun? It is my world. Clearly the 6×18″ size is hot right now. Good thing I just ordered more canvases that size. I have several new ideas to paint in that format, so stay tuned.

While I Was Waiting

Painting workshop and studio

There is a trick to doing art shows and open studios. The trick is waiting patiently, on stand-by, all systems ready to go.

Studio ready for guests

How does one be productive while waiting but not be so involved that a visitor/customer/guest feels like an interruption?

Coloring olives with my Blackwing Colors in Heart of Agriculture coloring book (WHY won’t this photo rotate?? Sorry, but you’ll just have to tilt your head!)

It is a mindset. I remind myself that on THIS day, I am not here to produce; I am here for the visitors. Therefore, anything that gets done is a bonus.

  • Knit
  • Weed
  • Color
  • Begin a drawing, before things get too detailed and engrossing
  • Update inventory lists
  • Update the website
  • Edit a chapter for the upcoming book about the Springville TB Hospital (This one was tricky, but I squoze it in before I heard a car arrive!)
  • Enjoy the beautiful spring day in Three Rivers
California’s state flower in my yard

As much as I’d like to just make art and be left alone to do so, this is not realistic. The business of art requires interaction with the public, most of whom are interesting and pleasant people. The business of art also requires keeping track of inventory, updating one’s website, and planning ahead.

Another pencil drawing begun for the 2019 calendar

Sometimes, it requires sitting, being available, and waiting.

Piper kept me company for awhile.

P.S. Knitting and weeding are bonus activities, reserved for recess time.