Why am I showing you this? Because I am not working on any art projects at the moment. (Pictures of two book editing projects wouldn’t hold your interest—you’re welcome.)
Further, I won’t be revealing the location of this walk, because we were trespassing. Forgive us our trespasses. . .
I was on a mission. The last time we took this walk, I spied a classic cabin—stone chimney, board and batten siding, very simple.
Who cares? Your Central California artist.
Why? My business is called “Cabin Art”. And I have been walking in this neighborhood for 23 years, so it is quite thrilling (and puzzling) to see something for the first time, something clearly old that has escaped my notice.
I talked to a couple of people who know the area and received a couple of possible explanations for this intriguing structure. It is down there somewhere. (Trail Guy brought binoculars).
THERE! See it? It is so far down a driveway that it is not at all visible from the road that I walk.
Mystery solved. After that, we had a shouted conversation with our friends on a lower section of road.
Alta Peak was crispy clear.
There it is again! Why haven’t those people asked me to draw it? Don’t they know who I am??
It might make a nice painting, if I include the backdrop. I’ve heard the people are quite reclusive, but the strangest coincidences regularly occur when I am curious about a building. I learned the names of the owner, and next week, someone by the same name who I know is related started drawing lessons. More will be revealed. . . or not.Looking down canyon, you can see the air quality deteriorates. But oh my, the GREEN!
This is not the river. Just sayin’. (That is a handy little cliché).
A POPPY ON JANUARY 9!! Excuse me for shouting. This is Very Very Early. But wait! There’s more!
BUSH LUPINE TOO! Guess I was too excited to focus the camera, not that one has the option on a PHD* type of camera.
*Press Here, Dummy