Some of these I have already mentioned. Just trying to remind us all that there is always a silver lining. Always? Usually. Usually? Often. Often? Sometimes.
- Less traffic.
- No mo ro bo (Robot calls have stopped at our house.)
- Less rushed with a looser schedule. (No, I didn’t say “loser”.)
- More time to pull weeds, both here and with my friends.
- Time to redesign my website.
- Catching up on To-Be-Read stack of books.
- Wearing Crocs exclusively, no matter what the outfit.
- More time with my cats, Tucker, Jackson, and Pippin.
- Time to make jelly from elderberry juice frozen who knows when.
- Can knit during a Zoom meeting, which would not be acceptable if we were meeting in person. What have you noticed as a good unintended consequence?