Summer Puttering

Borrowing a friend’s river view. The river is still high and loud, particularly unusual for early August.

In the months of July and August, I don’t give weekly drawing lessons. This gives me an out-of-proportion sense of being on vacation. My schedule is freer, so I putter at multiple things, some work, some personal.

  • A former drawing student (from about 2000-2004) will be having a baby in September, so I am knitting like a crazed machine.
  • It is time to begin designing the 2020 calendar.
  • An odd job appeared: someone has a torn painting and asked me to repair it. Maybe I can, maybe I can’t, but a mediocre patch job might be better than a ragged hole. The customer doesn’t want the original artist to know that it got torn, so you only get to see a corner. I’ll show you Wednesday.
  • My neighbors are relandscaping their yard and asked me to help. It is very absorbing work, and we keep coming up with ideas. I really enjoy figuring out what might grow, and digging extras from my yard, along with starting new ones from cuttings. (We think of ourselves as “The Frugal Gardeners”.)
  • I’ve been reading a lot, and my Want-To-Read list on GoodReads is down to about 160 now. (If you want to follow me on GoodReads, try it – I don’t know how to instruct you other than to say I am under my real name, nothing cute or clever). 1. “The Blue Shoe” is a meandering novel of very little plot about people you could imagine knowing by Anne Lamott whose writing captures my attention whether fiction or non-fiction. 2. “An Innocent, a Broad” by Ann Leary is a memoir by a writer I’ve discovered recently. 3. I loved “The Good House”, also by Leary, a first person novel about an alcoholic in total denial. 4. “House Rules” is my 2nd Jodi Picoult novel and it was a page turner written in multiple voices; the main one was an autistic teenager.

Since I’m not ready to show you the calendar, and the torn painting is a slow process, have a look at the baby blanket in progress, our old friend Reading Rabbit, and some of the yardening.

100% cotton, machine washable, recommended for baby blankets, ordered from Webs online, stitch pattern from a book called The Stitchionary.
Salt & Light, or Reading Rabbit, oil on board, 11×14″, not for sale
There will be flagstone on the path, and we are trying to find something to plant around the stones. Moss? Grass that doesn’t require mowing? Low-growing thyme that can live in relentless summer heat?
I’m particularly enamored with the blue wheelbarrow.
Having a picnic on the friends’ deck by the river adds to the sense of being on vacation.

Learned in June & July

Did anyone notice that I didn’t learn anything in June? Actually, I did, but had so many other things to post about that I didn’t make my usual list, which means this month’s list is twice as long as usual.

Pippin learns he doesn’t like black coffee.
  1. For the very first time in my life, I gave away a cat. Two, actually. I learned that it is a beautiful thing to share kitties with people who might love them even more than I do.
  2. Arizona’s speed limit for trucks is the same as that for cars, and it makes for much smoother traffic on freeways. Only Delaware and California require trucks to go 55 mph.
  3. I was wrong last year when I said that Manx is not a breed of cat but the accident of birth through malnourishment in the womb. (Did I get that info on the internet?? or in a book??) The veterinarian who made sure Scout doesn’t have another litter set me straight. Scout has a weird stump of a tail and received superior nutrition while growing her 5 babies, resulting in 2 with tails and 3 without.
  4. No matter how often I try to understand, the meaning of “meta” eludes me. Do the people using this word just pretend that they know what they are saying, and do the people listening just pretend too?
  5. You can buy hard-boiled eggs at Costco. I don’t belong to Costco, but thought it a curious fact when I overheard it this summer.
  6. Getting cats “fixed”: we had Scout fixed and she disappeared 3 weeks later. I was wondering if we shouldn’t get Georgia “fixed” so she could make us more kittens, but now she is also gone. This is why I want to have lots of cats. We have a controversial approach to pets, but it is right for us.
  7. Not all my friends are readers. (Why does this surprise me?) I was quite amazed to learn that 3 of the 7 friends who reunited at Shaver Lake don’t read much!
  8. Shaver Lake is wonderful. I had never been there before although it is only 2-1/2 hours away from Three Rivers.
  9. I was the only one of the Shaver Seven who doesn’t color her hair. (Why is this interesting to me? Who knows.) Maybe it is because I’d rather be reading.
  10. You can accidentally grow pumpkins. I thought I was accidentally growing zucchini, because the blossoms look the same. Only one is becoming a pumpkin, but wow, the plants are going nuts. (Because they are accidental, they aren’t planted in gopher-proof cages, so I fear for them.)
  11. Airdrop is a thing that can send pictures from an iPhone to another nearby Apple device. It makes a funny noise when the photos are sent. (I am learning how to use the dreaded cell phone bit by bit, in spite of zero reception at home.)
  12. Branches on a tree make knots on firewood and look strange if you ever have the opportunity to view the inside of a hollow tree.
  13. Many flowers have the unfortunate-sounding syllable “wort” in their names. Why? It comes from Old English “wyrt”, meaning root, herb, and plant.
Pumpkin vines look like zucchini plants. The disk keeps the critters from digging where I buried kitchen waste, and the kitchen waste is why I am accidentally growing pumpkins.

Does Tucker look capable of supervising three young feline hooligans?
He is very patient.
Georgia had such a pretty face, unlike Jackson’s, which is sort of pointy like a fox.
Jackson’s markings are very similar to Samson’s. They would have been cousins.
How branches look from inside a tree
Spiderwort in Georgia
Stout-beaked Toothwort

Out There

“Out there” is a strange turn of phrase. Does it mean on the edge, in outer space, and weird? Or does it mean away from one’s comfort zone, out in the world? Either, but today it means having my work out in the world away from the comfort of Three Rivers, my known and beloved drawing students, and my own private studio.

I entered two pieces in “Seascapes” at the Exeter Courthouse Gallery. It is a juried show, but I have doubts that any entries will be turned away. The part that feels “out there” (vulnerable) to me is this: WILL ANYONE CARE ENOUGH TO SPEND $ ON MY WORK?? (or more accurately, $$$)

Excuse me for shouting. This sort of show makes me shudder, but at least it isn’t an auction. The shows are interesting to see, but it is nerve-wracking to interact with the public and wonder if they care or if they are just making conversation to be polite.

Wood, Wind, Waves, pencil, 14×19″, $400
A Walk to the Rock, 11×14″, $275, oil on wrapped canvas (looks square here, but that is simply misbehavior on the part of the blog)

But wait, there’s more. I also will enter these 2 pieces in a juried show at the Tulare County Government Plaza Building. And, I’m in the process of producing a third piece to enter.

Before M&Ms. . ., pencil and colored pencil
Little Cabin, Big Trees, pencil

What if they aren’t accepted? What if no one wants them? What if someone does, but can’t get them for an entire year?

Stop it. Just stop it.

Okay. I’m fine now. Thank you for listening.


June 1-28, Exeter’s Courthouse Gallery, 125 South B Street, Exeter, California.

Opening reception: Sunday, June 9, 2-4 p.m.

Lighthearted Lessons

Nice job, Mary! Thank you for all the years of drawing with me, and Godspeed to you as you begin an adventure in a new place! (P.S. Not sure exactly what “Godspeed” means, but it feels right here.)

ArtSpeak is what I call the pretentious vocabulary of artists. In my drawing lessons, and among my students, we have our own vocabulary.

I’ve recently begun using the word “embiggen”, simply because it makes me smile. One of my students asked if she should “smallen” something recently, and then another one said she needed to “outen” an edge.

Another student brought in a snow scene from an overcast day that she wants to do in colored pencil. We discussed the values (which is ArtSpeak for darks and lights). Usually we reserve paper color for the lightest areas, but the brightest snow isn’t going to be in sunlight on this drawing so paper color will be too white. I suggested that she keep it paper color, because by the end of the project, all the other colors will have “grubbified” the snow to the right color.

And don’t forget the time I explained to a student that she needed to “horizontalize her verticals.”

The most fun part is that we completely understand one another!

Learned in May

Penstemon, planted on purpose in my yard rather than a wildflower, but in spite of being a native, it isn’t really thriving.

Is it possible I didn’t learn anything in May? Or is it that I just didn’t keep track? (Who said, “You learn something new every day?”) What can I pull out of my memory from just the past 30 days? How about these 7 items:

  1. I sold something on eBay for $20 and charged $5 for shipping. Someone in Florida bought it and it cost me $16.17 to mail (there is currently no UPS outlet in Three Rivers). EBay took their bite, and my net profit was $7.80. Ouch.
  2. I went to the bank to do a routine transaction, or at least I thought it was routine. In the olden days, it would have meant interacting with a human behind a desk. This time it meant sitting at a desk, watching a human interact with a computer. Ouch.
  3. While at the bank with high ceilings and echoey acoustics, I wondered why they feel the need to play annoying (too loud and echoey and irrelevant) pop music. I didn’t learn why, only that my tolerance for noise seems to be diminishing in direct proportion to the increase of noise in the world. Ouch.
  4. A small number of vendors and low visitation at a local arts and crafts fair does not mean low sales. Un-ouch. 😎
  5. After saying, “no more shows” (meaning entering juried and judged shows), I made 2 exceptions: entered the show “Seascapes” at the Exeter Courthouse Gallery, and plan to enter a show (untitled) at the Tulare County Government Plaza Building. Haven’t learned anything yet, except that maybe I am the living embodiment of the triumph of hope over experience.
  6. Kittens are so much fun! I’ve always known this, but now we have healthy and well-socialized kittens instead of feral, rescued, or weaned-too-early babies. There is a difference, and this is a good litter.
  7. Memorial Day used to be May 31. Now it is the last Monday of May, a way to mark the beginning of summer. Really??
Mineral King on May 20, 2019.
Hang on. Summer IS coming.

On Naming Flowers

Morning Glory

Why does it matter what a flower’s name is? Why do I want to know? Why did it matter enough to me to spend 2 years chasing, photographing, writing, designing, and ultimately publishing Mineral King Wildflowers: Common Names?

My first answer to that question is “inquiring minds need to know”.

My second answer (borrowed from a friend who said this to me once), “Well, of course it is important! Look at the first job ever given to the first human being!” (Yes, she spoke with exclamation points.)

My third and fourth answers are taken from a podcast I listened to recently. Someone was being interviewed about learning the names of the trees and frogs that she saw and heard every day. She said this (paraphrased by me): “Learning a name takes you from being an observer to being a participant.”

She also said, “Learning names makes you care more”.

If you bought a book or are thinking about it, what is your why?

100 page paperback, flowers in photos, common names only, lots of chatty commentary, $20, available here, Silver City Resort, Three Rivers History Museum, and from me or Trail Guy around town.
All 3 grays together – KitCarson, Georgia, and Undecided (because I am not going to name them so I don’t get attached. Hahaha)

Blog Idea

Since April of 2008, I have been posting to this blog, in an irregular fashion at first (I knew nothing about blogging), and then consistently 5 days a week.

Current blog wisdom from the Internet-Know-It-Alls is that 5 days a week is too often. Since I am not seeking a multitude of “Likes, Followers, or Friends” (none of those words really mean what they appear to mean), current blog wisdom doesn’t drive much of what I do.

Instead, I have the distinct privilege of knowing most of my readers, or at a very minimum, having met them in real life. Some subscribe (the means for that is on the main blog page that gives excerpts from each post), some check in occasionally. All are welcome.

If you choose to subscribe, enter your email address. You will receive an email with a link to click or tap on to confirm your subscription. Then you will receive an email of the current blog post each time I put something on the blog.

Many of my readers aren’t very techie, and might be a little nervous to click on things. (If that is you, today’s Blog Idea might be a little too much for your careful self, but there is nothing to worry about because you can’t wreck my blog or your device by clicking here.)

See the little triangle to the right of the words “Select Category”? If you click or tap on that arrow, you will see a list.

My Blog Idea is that you can go to a particular category that interests you and see a whole lot of information on old blog posts. Some people only read my blog to learn about Mineral King, others read because they want to know about drawing or murals or oil painting or lessons or Three Rivers, and a small handful read my blog because they are related to me.

I have noticed that if reading my blog on a cell phone, the category list doesn’t appear. There must be a way to see the list, but that is beyond my current abilities.

This is the list of categories of blog posts. Some of the posts fall under more than one category. The number in parentheses is the number of posts within the category.  If you click on a particular category, you will be taken to those posts.

“General” is a category automatically assigned if I have neglected to uncheck that box while posting. If I had nothing but time on my hands, I’d go back through the list and change the categories on those posts, but I’d rather be showing you how to enjoy the blog or telling you about current events in the life of this Central California artist. (But wait! What category does this post belong under??)

THANK YOU, BLOG READERS, NO MATTER THE REASON FOR SHOWING UP HERE! (unless you are trying to sell me something like fake brand-name purses or sunglasses or your “grow-your-subscriber-list” services –all y’all can just go bother someone else)

Still piling together at 6 weeks, but very very active.
I can’t tell them apart from just their faces yet.
This might be Georgia. She looks like Samson when we got him. Same family line, but new blood from the papa.

About shows

The Perfect Gift Boutique at the Three Rivers Arts Center, November 2007

There are several different kinds of shows for artists to participate in.

  • The elegant type at an art gallery – a dress-up indoor event, usually with wine and hors d’oeuvres, often shared with other artists and usually preceded by a postcard mailing. These range anywhere from a nice opportunity to a Big Deal, depending on how shiny the floor is and how far apart the art is spaced on the walls. There is no entry fee, you have to be invited to be a participating artist, and the gallery keeps a percentage of the sales.
  • The arts and crafts fair. These tend to be outdoors, have an entry fee, and attract all manner of folks. Some are looking to spend money, and some are just looking to spend a little time. The sales can vary with the weather, the amount of publicity, or just economic times. A show can be wonderful one year and a dud the next, and it is hard to predict in advance.
  • Setting up art at some sort of an open house, a reception, a dinner or an annual meeting. Unless the artist is the featured speaker, I have found these to be a waste of time. Exposure is only important for a little while when starting out; after a while, a person can die of exposure. (We need sales to stay alive.)

As a regional artist, I do local shows, so I know a high percentage of the folks who visit. It is like a reunion/party combined with being tuned in to people who actually want to buy something. There is a balancing act between chit-chatting too much and missing sales as a result, or just zeroing in on potential customers and not having time for friends.

The items that sell well vary from year to year. Back in the 1990s, it was all about cards and reproduction prints. Learning to oil paint in 2006 opened up an entirely new avenue. A few years ago, coloring books were the hot item. This year at the Redbud Festival, Mineral King Wildflowers was the star.

And look at my booth 10 years later than the photo above:

Perfect Gift Boutique, November 2017
Gilligan or Ginger? (at 6 weeks they are venturing outside)
Ginger or Gilligan?

In Bloom

Sometimes I have the overwhelming need to share some beauty with you that is not of my making. (I hope you know me well enough to not take that sentence as if I believe all my art is beautiful. Gotta stay real and humble here.)

What is this new-to-me wildflower, across the road and downstream from Reimer’s (the candy store in Three Rivers)?
So glad you asked! It is Globe Gilia.
The plant I pilfered a cutting from last summer in someone else’s yard is in bloom!
The Jerusalem Sage is in bloom!
The Spanish or French Lavender is in bloom; I’m inclined to think of it as Red-Violet rather than Lavender.
The Rock Rose is in bloom!
Look at the Honeysuckle! Too bad you can’t do a scratch-and-sniff on your screen.

Keep Thinking

One of the many pencil drawings from The Cabins of Wilsonia

Yesterday I told you of some good ideas that came to me while I was organizing my storage shelves. Today I will tell you of two that aren’t complete. They are good ideas in terms of how to spend my time and energy with my art business, but will take more thinking on how to bring them about.

  1. The Cabins of Wilsonia came out in December of 2014. Many of the 200+ drawings have sold, but many remain available. It is time to offer them at a deep discount, and then shred the remainder. They are doing no one any good in storage. Now I need to figure out how to best reach the people who are most likely to want the drawings. Keep thinking.
  2. Sequoia Natural History Association used to be the name of the outfit that stocks the ranger stations and visitor centers in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks. The name changed, the director I knew retired, and now I don’t know who to talk to about buying my prints and cards to sell in the Parks. They are doing no one any good in storage. Keep thinking.
Crescent Meadow, 11×14″ reproduction print, wildflowers colored one at a time, one after another after another. . .
Redbud Festival is coming soon!
The kittens are getting quite busy at 4 weeks old. They tried canned food and spent a fair amount of time walking in it. It was too gross to photograph. You’re welcome.