My friends of 38 years, N & J, have lived in Texas for 30 years, and this is the first time I have been to visit. They came to get me from my friends north of Ft. Worth, and we drove to their home south of Ft. Worth. I spent no time in any Texas cities, only the ‘burbs, which suited me just fine.

In spite of the lateness of the trip and all the mowing, there were a few bluebonnets remaining. These are definitely in the lupine family, but different than all our lupines in Central California.

This is a massive ant hill, made by harvester ants. They aren’t wicked like fire ants and have a little highway in the grass, busy all the time, just doing their ant business.

These friends also have an enormous lot with views of horses next door, a pond, and much greenery to mow.

Some things are just better to do when one is with a friend. Cutting off 14″ of hair was one of those. Dadgum, I am a gray-head! Oh well, whaddya expect at 64?

N and I hung around the house, taking walks in the mornings if it wasn’t raining, chitchatting, planning, catching up, laughing a great deal, just being together. Her husband was very patient with all the girl stuff going on around him. He was busy trying to solve the problem of a dead A/C and bird watching. The A/C quit the day I arrived, but fortunately for them, it was before the hard heat of summer set in.

We also had a few excursions, including thrift shopping, which is a bit odd when neither one of us enjoys shopping. Thrift shopping is more like treasure hunting than shopping. . . that is the best way we could figure out how to explain why it was fun. Maybe it was fun because we were together. I’ve thought from time to time that it might be good that we don’t both live in Three Rivers, because we’d probably never make other friends.

Tomorrow I’ll show you one of our excursions.
It was the 30 year dream that finally came true! Just SO much fun! Oh, but those ants can bite, just not like fire ants.
Natalie, I do believe we had more fun than human beings should be allowed to have!
What a fun time with great friends! Did you donate your 14″ of hair to Locks of Love or such similar organization? And as far as gray hair goes . . . I wear mine proudly. I’ve earned every one of these silver tresses!
Was there much grass to mow? (heh, JK!)
Sharon, I’m keeping the hair for now in case a family member needs it. If not, it will go to Wigs for Kids, because they don’t charge their “customers” whereas Locks of Love does.
That’s interesting–I only knew about Locks of Love. But if Wigs for Kids doesn’t charge, that’s wonderful! I’ll keep that in mind. Not that I’ll ever grow my hair that long, but I’ll keep it in mind to recommend.
That sounds like a wonderful vacation/catch-up. Thrift shopping IS a treasure hunt for sure. Love the new haircut – did the hair go to Locks of Love?
Hi Jean C, thanks for the kind words. The hair is in a ziplock, and will either be saved for a family member, or will go to Wigs for Kids, which doesn’t charge the kids like Locks of Love does.
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