On the way back from Waco, N took different back roads. This time we chose to go through Crawford, where Bush 43 has his ranch. Had his ranch? I don’t know for sure. We didn’t see any sign of the ranch, of course, but I was very surprised by the town.

And there was a mural in town. A very faded mural.
Somewhere we read about a waterfall, and realized we had driven past without noticing it. It had a funny name: Tonkawa Falls.

It was accessed through a park, which had a closed gate on one side but was open on the other. We hadn’t noticed the park because of the wildflowers across the street. Check out #9 on the sign at the park.

This is the part I loved.

We stopped for a few more wildflower photos.

The other thing that really impressed me in rural Texas counties was the very imposing and formal architecture of the county courthouses.

I hope you are enjoying a look at Texas through the eyes of your Central California artist. There will be 2 or 3 more chapters, before we return to watching paint dry.
1 Comment
I think that the formal architecture with stone and bricks is because of tornadoes I am thinkin’. Wood would just blow away. I love architecture. It is sooo interesting to me. What a great trip. Tell N and J hello from me. Tell them to come stay at Silver City again and visit with us all!!
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