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Clear Morning in Smoky Mineral King

The Coffeepot Fire started on August 3, from lightning about 15 miles down the road from Mineral King. Each evening, the down-canyon breezes start clearing smoke out of the valley. The next morning we get clear air until 9 or 10. I went for a walk on one of those mornings.

It was a difficult time for good photos with a PHD* camera, but I want you to appreciate the clarity.

It was kind of chilly out (high 40s?) so I headed to the steep and sunny Timber Gap trail. Those giraffe steps are always good exercise.

Oh-oh. Here it comes.

*Press Here Dummy


  1. Great pictures! Third from last picture – did the park take down the tree in the middle of the parking lot?

    • Thank you, Bill! Disney had the red fir by the phone removed a year or two ago; the old juniper remains.

  2. How nice to see clear skies in the early AM! And your PHD camera did a fine job!

    “Giraffe steps” good description! I hope you didn’t overdo it, tootsie-wise (the feet, not the film).

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