We closed our Mineral King cabin for the season. It is always a mixed bag, like most things in life. One last weekend, but a cold one with lots of work. One last time with friends, with some wondering if everyone will make it through the winter. One last look at things before the snow comes, hoping the snow does come.
(The Mineral King Road will be open until Wednesday, Oct. 30.)
It was cold. Is this a stalactite? Nope, it is a reverse icicle.
Trail Guy and I went to the Honeymoon Cabin to close it for the year. It is the little Mineral King museum, as opposed to the larger one in the Three Rivers Historical Museum.
This is the tree where I sat to paint a few times this summer.
And this is the scene I painted several times. The colors and light are sure different in October than in July or August.
Bye-bye, little cabin-museum. See you next summer.
Doesn’t this look gloomy, melancholy and cold?
. . .and doesn’t this look colorful, warm and bright?
The fall colors were good, but not great. This particular area usually has the brightest colored aspens, and this fall was no exception. (But I’ve seen them much brighter in past years.)
This is how it looks across the stream toward the Nature Trail. Some leaves gone, some bright, and a few aspens still green.
HEY KITTIES! We are home for awhile! (Tucker is shy and hiding, as usual).
A typical morning scene in our yard in Three Rivers, always a treat.
Another season “in the books!” The views are so brown and dark this time of year, with just a splash of aspen orange and yellow.
Love the upside down icicle!
See you next year, if not before.
Sharon, you are so correct about the colorless and dark views this time of year. If it wasn’t for the aspens, it would feel grim indeed. And it would be a treat to see you before next year!
Another season “in the books!” The views are so brown and dark this time of year, with just a splash of aspen orange and yellow.
Love the upside down icicle!
See you next year, if not before.
Sharon, you are so correct about the colorless and dark views this time of year. If it wasn’t for the aspens, it would feel grim indeed. And it would be a treat to see you before next year!
Good idea, post-retirement (All Saints Day). I need my kitty fix!
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