Coloring Book Almost Here

Hey, the coloring book is supposed to arrive on Tuesday!! That means you can order it now, and I can mail yours to the PO on Wednesday.

The tricky part is that I don’t really understand how to control Paypal’s pricing. I have the book listed at $15, but sometimes it charges sales tax and sometimes it doesn’t. So you are on your own there. And I’ll pay the postage for you.

Ain’t life confusing grand?

Here is the link: Heart of the Hills Coloring Book

Heart of the Hills

When you go to that page, click on the coloring book. It will take you to a page to add it to your cart. Disregard the sentence about April 15.

After you add it to the cart, scroll back up to the top of the page and click on the word “Cart” at the top right. Or maybe the word “Checkout”.

I don’t know for sure, since I’ve never bought anything from myself. Guess someone will have to let me know!

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