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Completed Commission

When I told you the story of painting a commissioned piece of Lost Canyon, I may have accidentally misled you into thinking that all the changes and decisions were a nuisance. 

Drying in the painting workshop (the studio shows through the window – that’s the little building where I draw, a much less messy activity.)

Not so!

The customer and I had a great working partnership. He was discerning and decisive and helpful, not a pain in the least. My goal was to paint exactly what he wanted, but also to help him explore the idea even further than his initial request. We both enjoyed the process and ended up happy with the result. (The color is way better in person!)


  1. Really like this. The detail on the back packs is awesome.

  2. Really good work. Like the detail on the back packs.

    • Thank you, Rosemary! I appreciate your compliment so much that I am approving both versions that you submitted!

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