We are down to three kittens, having settled KitCarson and Bigger Orange/Gilligan/Lentz/Tigger into their new homes. This leaves us with Jackson (boy gray), Georgia (girl gray), and Pippin (smaller orange boy). Of these, Jackson now is showing himself to be the most eager for human interaction.

Clearly, my concentration and productivity has suffered. But who cares? Not I. (Never mind that we just spent $196 getting Scout “fixed” so that her parts will no longer work.)
I’m totally loving your fur babies developments. You aptly describe their personalities so I feel like I know them. A distraction isn’t a bad thing; this may be your only opportunity to closely observe your felines. Tomorrow is another day! (Said in my best Scarlett O’Hara voice)
How could anyone resist that face??
And thank you for spaying/neutering to prevent more unwanted kittens whose precious lives will be cut short because of the shortage of “fur-ever” homes! Some cities have low-cost spay/neuter clinics. The no-kill shelter, Cat House on the Kings near Fresno is a good source: https://www.cathouseonthekings.com, (559) 638-0030, or they recommend Valley Oak SPCA in Visalia: (559) 651-1111.
Sharon, you certainly have done your homework on cat care in our area! However, anything past Exeter is TOO FAR to have an unhappy cat as a passenger, and even Exeter is a bit on the edge, but the vet clinic here in 3R is only open one day a week and only “fixes” males. So, we just muddle along, doing the best we can figure out, here smack-dab in the middle of California’s flyover country.
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